Riemann cosmology

  • What did Riemann contribute to math?

    He was one of the first to study differential equations involving complex variables, and his work led to a profound connection with group theory.
    He introduced new general methods in the study of partial differential equations and applied them to produce the first major study of shock waves..

  • What is Riemann famous for?

    Bernhard Riemann, (born September 17, 1826, Breselenz, Hanover [Germany]—died July 20, 1866, Selasca, Italy), German mathematician whose profound and novel approaches to the study of geometry laid the mathematical foundation for Albert Einstein's theory of relativity..

  • What is the Riemannian geometry?

    Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds, defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric (an inner product on the tangent space at each point that varies smoothly from point to point)..

  • What is the universe Riemannian geometry?

    Riemannian Geometers also study higher dimensional spaces.
    The universe can be described as a three dimensional space.
    Near the earth, the universe looks roughly like three dimensional Euclidean space.
    However, near very heavy stars and black holes, the space is curved and bent..

  • Euclidean geometry is the geometry of a flat space (the parallel axiom holds). (Euclid assumed two or three dimensions only, but it can be extended to higher dimensions.) Riemannian geometries allow for curved spaces with any number of dimensions and include Euclidean geometries as special cases.
  • In mathematics and theoretical physics, zeta function regularization is a type of regularization or summability method that assigns finite values to divergent sums or products, and in particular can be used to define determinants and traces of some self-adjoint operators.
  • Riemann's lecture, "On the hypotheses that lie at the foundation of geometry" was given on June 10, 1854.
    This extraordinary work introduced (what is now called) an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold and its curvature tensor.
    It also, prophetically, discussed the relation of this mathematical space to actual space.
Mar 1, 2022A new cosmological theory is proposed in the theoretical framework of modified gravity theories which is based on a tachyonic field non- 
Mar 1, 2022Abstract: A new cosmological theory is proposed in the theoretical framework of modified gravity theories which is based on a tachyonic 
Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds, defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric This  IntroductionClassical theoremsGeometry in large

How Riemann tensor was used in cosmology?

Uses of the Riemann tensor in cosmology As was mentioned before, Riemann's revolutionary ideas about the concept of physical space where given a definite form by Albert Einstein when he formulated the Theory of General Relativity, with the help of his, more mathematically minded, classmate and friend Marcel Grossmann7.


Is the Riemann integral a fashionable object?

The Riemann integral is indeed a physically fashionable object, in particular the incremental version before the limit is taken, before an “increment” is transformed into a “differential”, which is a far more elusive concept indeed! (again, I know this quite well from my own students).


Was Riemann interested in physics?

This is the Riemann hypothesis which remains today one of the most important unsolved problems of mathematics.
Riemann died of tuberculosis in 1866, while trying to recover from it in Selasca (Italy), surrounded by his wife and 3-year-old daughter.
He was only 39.
From his work, it is very clear that Riemann was interested in physics.


Who invented Riemannian space?

They were initially proposed by the German mathematician Bernhard Rie- mann around the year 1856, who was student of Gauss at that time.
Riemann was the first one to work on the hypothesis that space does not need to obey Euclid’s axioms.
That space is known today as Riemannian space.


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