Cost management + billing azure

  • Azure Monitor uses a consumption-based pricing (pay-as-you-go) billing model where you only pay for what you use.
    Features of Azure Monitor that are enabled by default do not incur any charge, including collection and alerting on the Activity log and collection and analysis of platform metrics.
  • Cost Management is a set of FinOps tools that enable you to analyze, manage, and optimize your costs.
    Billing provides all the tools you need to manage your billing account and pay invoices.
    Cost Management is available from within the Billing experience.Aug 7, 2023

How can I manage my Azure costs?

Visit the Cost Management + Billing page in the Azure portal.
Select Cost analysis from the left side of the screen to see the current cost broken down by various pivots such as:

  • service
  • location
  • and subscription.
    After you add a service or make a purchase, wait 24 hours for the data to display.
  • ,

    How can I track my Azure costs?

    You can use cost analysis to understand where costs originated for your Azure usage.
    Visit the Cost Management + Billing page in the Azure portal.
    Select Cost analysis from the left side of the screen to see the current cost broken down by various pivots such as:

  • service
  • location
  • and subscription.
  • ,

    How charges are processed

    To understand how Cost Management and Billing works, you should first understand the Commerce system.
    At its core, Microsoft Commerce is a data pipeline that underpins all Microsoft commercial transactions, whether consumer or commercial.
    There are many inputs and connections to the pipeline.
    It includes the sign-up and Marketplace purchase experiences.
    However, we'll focus on the pieces that make up your cloud billing account and how charges are processed within the system.


    Manage your billing account and invoices

    Microsoft has several types of billing accounts.
    Each type has a slightly different experience to support the unique aspects of the billing account.
    To learn more, see Billing accounts and scopes.


    Monitor costs with alerts

    Cost Management and Billing offer many different types of emails and alerts to keep you informed and help you proactively manage your account and incurred costs.


    Optimize costs

    Microsoft offers a wide range of tools for optimizing your costs.
    Some of these tools are available outside the Cost Management and Billing experience, but are included for completeness.


    Organize and allocate costs

    Organizing and allocating costs are critical to ensuring invoices are routed to the correct business units and can be further split for internal billing, also known as chargeback.
    Cost Management and Billing offer the following options to organize resources and subscriptions:



    Microsoft Cost Management is a suite of tools that help organizations monitor, allocate, and optimize the cost of their Microsoft Cloud workloads.
    Cost Management is available to anyone with access to a billing or resource management scope.
    The availability includes anyone from the cloud finance team with access to the billing account.
    And, to DevOps teams managing resources in subscriptions and resource groups.


    Report on and analyze costs

    Cost Management and Billing include several tools to help you understand, report on, and analyze your invoiced Microsoft Cloud and AWS costs.


    What data is included in Cost Management and Billing?

    Within the Billing experience, you can manage all the products, subscriptions, and recurring purchases you use; review your credits and commitments; and view and pay your invoices.
    Invoices are available online or as PDFs and include all billed charges and any applicable taxes.
    Credits are applied to the total invoice amount when invoices are generated.
    This invoicing process happens in parallel to Cost Management data processing, which means Cost Management doesn't include credits, taxes, and some purchases, like support charges in non-Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) accounts.


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