Divergent creative thinking test

  • How do you assess creativity with divergent thinking?

    Divergent thinking tasks assess creativity by asking people to generate ideas, which are then scored to capture variability in creativity (Plucker & Renzulli, 1999).
    For example, unusual uses tasks ask people to generate unusual uses for common objects, such as bricks, knives, boxes, shoes, and paper clips..

  • How do you test for divergent thinking?

    The Divergent Association Task measures verbal creativity in under 4 minutes.
    It involves thinking of 10 unrelated words.
    People who are more creative tend to think of words with greater “distances” between them.
    We recommend that you take the test before you learn more about it..

  • What is a divergent thinking test for creativity?

    Divergent Thinking Tests.
    Divergent thinking tests are arguably the most frequently used approach for assessing everyday creativity.
    These tests ask participants to produce multiple ideas in response to specific stimuli.
    Stimuli and responses are typically either pictorial or verbal in nature..

  • What is the divergent feeling test?

    The Exercise in Divergent Feeling – this is a checklist filled out by the student.
    These 50 questions will assess the student's feeling about their own feelings and behaviors and correlate them with creativity.
    It asks questions that get to many of the qualities described in The Williams Scale..

  • What is the question to test divergent thinking?

    Some examples of divergent questions are: What are some alternatives to this? What is another way of looking at this? How could this be done differently?.

  • Which test of divergent thinking is best?

    Conclusions. ‍The Alternative Uses Test is a great way for measuring divergent creative thinking.
    Unlike convergent thinking tests such as the RAT Test, this test highlights how we can generate a wide range of answers and solutions to a single problem..

  • Divergent thinking refers to the creative solutions you could find for a problem.
    This type of thinking allows for more freedom and helps you generate more than one solution by typically using brainstorming as the cognitive method.
  • There are four types of divergent thinking: (a) fluency – the ability to develop large numbers of ideas, (b) flexibility – the ability to produce ideas in numerous categories, (c) originality - the ability to produce unusual or unique ideas, and (d) elaboration – the ability to adapt abstract ideas into realistic
Divergent thinking tests are arguably the most frequently used approach for assessing everyday creativity. These tests ask participants to produce multiple ideas in response to specific stimuli. Stimuli and responses are typically either pictorial or verbal in nature.
The Divergent Association Task measures verbal creativity in under 4 minutes. It involves thinking of 10 unrelated words. People who are more creative tend to  AboutTake the testFAQTeam

Can divergent thinking be used as a measure of creativity?

There are many measures of creativity, many of which use divergent thinking as one aspect of creativity.
Guilford (1960) created the Alternative Uses Test, and it has been widely used as one measure in a basket of creativity tests.
This activity can take 5-20 minutes to complete, depending on the class time available.


What is a divergent-thinking test?

Sternberg, J.C.
Kaufman, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011 Most studies that investigate creativity and intelligence use divergent-thinking tests (such as:

  • the TTCT) or other related paper-and-pencil tests also scored for fluency
  • originality
  • or other divergent thinking-related methods of scoring.
  • ,

    What is convergent thinking?

    You can take the test here.
    The test specifically measures one component of creativity called divergent thinking, which is the ability to generate diverse solutions to open-ended problems.
    It doesn’t measure another component – what psychologists call convergent thinking, or solving problems considering various constraints.


    What is gyfted's divergent thinking assessment?

    Gyfted’s free online divergent thinking assessment provides you with insights into your creative problem-solving skills.
    You will be able to better understand whether you are an unconventional thinker who generates multiple original solutions and ideas to open-ended verbal problems.
    Why is this of value to me? .


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