Creative thinking definition quizlet

  • What is the definition of critical and creative thinking?

    Creative Thinking is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective to conceive of something new or original.
    Critical Thinking is the logical, sequential disciplined process of rationalizing, analysing, evaluating and interpreting information to make informed judgements and/or decisions..

  • Creative Thinking is characterized by fluency, flexibility, originality and value.
    Creative Thinking comprises two fundamental cognitive processes: Divergent Thinking which involves stretching beyond existing ideas, boundaries, and combinations to generate many and different ideas; and.
creative thinking. is a way of looking at problems from a fresh perspective that leads to unusual solutions.

What is logical thinking?

Thinking in a way as to provide thoughts that are orderly, supporting and make sense- logical thinking.
If Information, inferences, and so forth, are contradictory, if they do not make sense together, they are illogical.


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