Creative thinking in easy language

  • What is creativity in easy language?

    Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (page 396).

At its core, creative thinking is intentionally gaining new insights and different ideas through existing information. Often, creative thought involves tapping into different styles of thinking and examining information from different viewpoints to see new patterns.

Break Habitual Patterns of Thinking

One of the simplest ways of introducing creativity into the classroom is when you break with the normal routines of a lesson – and I’m referring here to both the teachers and the students.
It’s easy over time to follow routines in teaching and learning and to assume there’s one way to do something.
Speaking from personal experience of teaching Engl.


Defining Creativity and Creativethinking

Let’s start with a few perspectives on what creativity is.
If we base our definition on Bloom’s Taxonomy, then to ‘create’ is the highest of the 6 cognitive processes. “Students make a new product by mentally reorganizing some elements or parts into a pattern or structure not clearly present before.” (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001, p.84) In the ELT cl.


Do language learning classes encourage creative thinking?

Language education is no exception.
Language learning classes that encourage creative thinking help learners develop not only intellectually but also emotionally and socially.
The main purpose of this paper is to present the implications of engaging students' creative thinking in language learning classes with reference to English language.


How can I integrate creative thinking into my English classes?

There are many ways that you could integrate these aspects of Creative Thinking into your English classes.
It’s possible that you may find opportunities for these in your courses already.
For example, if your classes involve project work or creative activities such as:

  • drama or music then chances are you’re already doing a great job.
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    Thinking Outside and Inside The Box

    If we agree that creativity is important in the language classroom, then as teachers we need to consider how we will integrate into our lesson planning.
    The expression ‘thinking outside the box’ is often used to reflect the idea that creativity is all about imagination and generating new ideas.
    In classroom terms, it might be the act of putting stu.


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