Creative thinking google scholar

  • How do scholars define creativity?

    Creativity is defined as the process of using imagination and skill to invent a unique product or thought (Scott, 1995)..

  • What is creative thinking according to authors?

    ACER defines creative thinking as: the capacity to generate many different kinds of ideas, manipulate ideas in unusual ways and make unconventional connections in order to outline novel possibilities that have the potential to elegantly meet a given purpose..

  • What is creativity according to scholars?

    Creativity is the ability to combine ideas, things, techniques, or approaches in a new way (Romey, 1970).
    Creativity is typically defined as the ability to generate novel associations that are adaptive in some way (Ward, Thompsonu201.

    1. Lake, Ely, & Kaminski, 2008)

  • Strategies to Improve Your Creative Thinking Skills

    Brainstorm Ideas. Mind Maps. Reframe Your Way of Thinking. Roleplay. Reconceptualize Problems. Explore the Different Creativity Theories. Daydream. Ask A Lot of Questions.
  • Creative thinking The ability to think of original, varied new ideas or new approaches Decision-making Process of analysing a situation to identify strategies to bring about change.
Jun 1, 2020According to cognitive psychologists, creativity is a special kind of problem-solving experience, which involves the activation of two  AbstractConvergent and divergent The impasse and its causes
The current psychological researches on creative thinking mainly focus on cognitive mechanism and brain mechanism, but the studies on how to improve creative 

Can creative thinking be combined with subject matter content?

This allows the teaching of creative thinking to be combined with the teaching of subject matter content, without losing instructional time.
Here we review research findings that support specific techniques for integrating into instruction activities and practices to help students become creative thinkers.



Each idea was assigned a creativity score, ranging from not at all creative (=1) to very much creative (=5).
Hereby, the two essential criteria of a creative idea—novelty and usefulness (for example, Amabile 1983; Mumford 2003; Sternberg and Lubart 1999)—were taken into consideration.
Two raters performed the creativity scoring.
One rater assigned .



The overall effectiveness of the training was examined using a within-subjects design, with creative performance (pre, post) as the dependent variable.
The techniques that were applied in the creativity training are described in the “Training Techniques” section, the measurement of creative performance is described in the “Measures of Creative Perf.


Does content knowledge support creative thinking?

However, content knowledge by itself is unlikely to be sufficient to support creative thinking; creativity also requires the ability to apply knowledge in flexible ways that go beyond the context in which the knowledge was acquired.


Measures of Creative Performance

Divergent Thinking: the AUT


Technique 1: Silence

The participants were first provided with an explanation of the benefits of brainstorming individually and in silence.
In particular, they were informed that brainstorming alone and in silence is beneficial for the creative process as it allows one to generate ideas without any restrictions, guidelines, or distractions.
In addition, personal expert.


Technique 2: Lines of Evolution

This technique relies on the findings of a Russian engineer, Genrikh Altshuller, who studied thousands of patents.
He noticed that the evolution of breakthrough ideas—especially in the domain of technical innovation—follows universal principles.
For example, a line of evolution could include changes in the form of an object using the following patt.


Technique 3: Random Connections

Creative ideas often come from making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts or objects.
Accordingly, in some situations, creative thinking may not benefit from digging deeper, but instead from “digging elsewhere.” By digging elsewhere, one allows creative ideas to emerge from associative processes.
The underlying approach of this techniq.


Technique 4: Scamper

During the creative process, novel solutions may emerge when forced to think of possible changes to an existing idea or product.
Hereby, a list of suggestions for possible changes can be helpful.
A list with seven possible thinking techniques was provided using SCAMPER (Osborn 1953; Eberle 1971), and the participants could use any or all of the sug.


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