Creative thinking possibility

  • Creative thinking skills

    They look at ideas from multiple perspectives and examine how their solutions fit into the scope of what they're working on.
    Creative thinkers aren't afraid to take risks and try new ideas.
    In fact, this ability to develop, test, and implement original solutions makes them a valuable asset to just about any workplace..

  • What is possibility of thinking?

    Possibility Thinking is the envisioning of something that doesn't exist, that through individual and collective efforts might happen.
    That's how all the great things in history have happened..

  • What is possibility thinking in creativity?

    At the heart of this notion of creativity is possibility thinking (PT).
    This refers to the way in which learners deal with problems and their ability to ask 'what if' questions (Cremin et al., 2006)..

  • What is possibility thinking in creativity?

    Possibility thinking is the means by which questions are posed or puzzles surfaced – through multiple ways of generating the question 'what if? ' (Craft 2000; 2001; 2002)..

  • What is the concept of possibility thinking?

    Possibility Thinking is the envisioning of something that doesn't exist, that through individual and collective efforts might happen.
    That's how all the great things in history have happened..

  • We are given the freedom to have a go and see if it fits in our own head; practicing and using current ideas and thoughts to see if they gel with a new idea, challenge or scenario.
    Possibility thinking offers the chance to wonder, speculate & the permission to dare to dream.
Creative thinking depends on continuing the flow of ideas long enough to purge the common, habitual ones and produce the unusual and imaginative. 60 ideas.
One way to seek alternatives is to establish a quota, an arbitrary number of alternatives to be considered. In deciding on an approach to solving a problem or 
Possibility as the core of creativity Possibility thinking is the means by which questions are posed or puzzles surfaced – through multiple ways of generating the question 'what if?


This technique encourages creative thinking and imagination and allows individuals or teams to explore a wide range of possibilities and scenarios.


Basic Steps

1) Generate ‘What if…’ questions.
Simply create your own long list of What if questions.
You could use questions such as: • What if… we had a million dollars to spend on the solution? • What if you would merge with your biggest competitor? • What if your most talented employees would leave you? • What if a new startup starts giving your core p.



This technique begins with an invitation to write down the questions starting with the words “What if?…” In the process of implementing this method individually or in a group, generate a list of provocative “What if” questions.
Each question should be extreme to the point of being fanciful and ridiculous.
After that, answers to questions are genera.



The “What If…?” technique is rooted in Thought experimentation, which has been a staple of philosophical methodology since classical antiquity.
Aristotle used thought experiments for argumentative persuasion.
In 1811 Ernst Mach introduced the word “thought experiment” (Gadankenexperiment), or the use of speculative hypotheses in philosophical probl.


How does possibility thinking affect children's creative learning?

Other research identified the connection between possibility thinking and children’s creative learning process, or identified the pedagogical strategies in different areas, such as:

  • dance
  • art
  • drama
  • mathematics
  • or science
  • that foster learners’ possibility thinking.
  • ,

    Main Functions

    This technique can be useful in creativity, where fanciful ‘what if’ questions can spark innovative ideas and lead to fresh insights and wonderful new discoveries.
    2) This is a lateral thinking technique that helps us to explore possibilities and challenge assumptions at the same time.
    3) Asking “What if?” is a very effective process of activati.


    Methodological and Theoretical Grounds

    Creativity involves bridging the gap between what is and what should be, with the help of imagination.
    Possibility thinking
    or what if and as-if thinking allows us to see objects in different ways and contexts and stimulates a vision of new possibilities and perspectives.
    What if questions fire our imagination, challenging accepted norms, the “rule.


    What If Group Technique

    Ask every participant to generate his or her own list of creative ‘What if’ questions Set approximately 3-5 minutes for this first step.
    2) Ask participants to write each ‘What if’ question on a separate index card.
    3) Collect all cards, shuffle the cards and pick one at random.
    Read it out loud, and ask all participants to use it as a stepping .


    What is possibility thinking?

    Possibility thinking is a term proposed by a UK researcher Anna Craft (1961–2014) to describe creative abilities and qualities valued in the field of education.
    Therefore, it is closely related to the concept of “little c creativity,” and ordinary, everyday, or democratic creativity, in contrast to the “big C creativity.” .

    Creative thinking possibility
    Creative thinking possibility
    Architectures of Possibility: After Innovative Writing is a theoretical anti-textbook by Lance Olsen, written in collaboration with Trevor Dodge, published in 2012.


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