Creative writing description of a office

  • How do you describe a place in creative writing?

    Describe place through characters' senses.
    We feel connected to place in a story when we see it through characters' senses.
    Bring senses such as sight, hearing, touch, smell and even taste (there's edible wallpaper in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) into your setting..

  • How would you describe an office in creative writing?

    The office was built with fresh air and health as a priority.
    As such, air from the outside arrived in floor vents and left through the ceiling directly above..

  • What is the description of an office?

    An office is a space where the employees of an organization perform administrative work in order to support and realize the various goals of the organization..

  • 7 Tips for Writing Descriptive Sentences

    1. Cut out obvious descriptions
    2. Use surprising words
    3. Remember sensory details
    4. Make use of figurative language
    5. Think about who is doing the describing
    6. Be wary of over-description
    7. Read good examples of descriptive writing
How to Describe an Office in Writing1. Claustrophobic2. Dilapidated3. Pristine4. Chaotic5. Modern6. Spartan7. Opaque8. Harmonious.













How can I make my writing more descriptive?

There are lots of different ways you can make your writing more descriptive.
Here are a few of the most common descriptive writing techniques:

  • A metaphor is a descriptive technique that likens one thing to another.
    Take a look at these examples of common metaphors:My child is the light of my life.
    He’s the black sheep of our family.
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    What do you put on a desk?

    Beside the desk a huge bulletin board is covered with all kinds of paper-pictures of famous authors, pictures of coworkers, pictures of friends.
    Cartoons are tacked on going every which way, and favorite quotes stick out from the corkboard and wooden frame.


    What does a modern office look like?

    The word “modern” suggests that the environment is sleek, technologically advanced, and perhaps imbued with a sense of efficiency and innovation.
    Such an office could imply a forward-thinking company or an organization that embraces innovative practices.
    This can drive the narrative forward with themes such as:

  • progress
  • change
  • and adaptation. 6.
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    What is descriptive writing?

    A slippery, muddy hill.
    During a rainstorm.
    Even when the words are there, it can be tough to get the feeling onto the page.
    You might have listed the events you’re covering and presented all the facts clearly and logically, but when your writing doesn’t feel engaging, something’s missing.
    That something is descriptive writing.


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