Creative writing certificate ccsf

  • What is creative writing description course?

    In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to the techniques that masters of fiction use to ground a story in a concrete world.
    From the most realist settings to the most fantastical, writers will learn how to describe the physical world in sharp, sensory detail..

  • Course Fee: INR 10,000 per participant.
The CCSF Creative Writing certificate offers an interdisciplinary approach to creative expression and provides excellent preparation for a job in the publishing industry or a degree in creative writing. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it.

Can I transfer to a new certificate in Creative Writing?

Prospective students should review the new requirements and decide which program would better suit their writing goals.
Current Certificate students will have the option to transfer to the new Certificate in Creative Writing at no additional cost.
Frequently asked questions for current students [click here].


How many units does a certificate in Creative Writing take?

The Certificate in Creative Writing is fully customizable.
You may follow a Writers’ Program sample curriculum plan based on specific writing goals, or design your own program of study.
Students must complete 21 total units comprised of the 3-unit Creative Writing Certificate Capstone course and 18 units of 400-level Creative Writing coursework.


What is a Creative Writing Certificate?

The Creative Writing certificate program introduces students to character creation, story development, and other fundamentals of the narrative process.
Students learn industry-specific formatting, script creation, and creative writing for the professional arena.


Who teaches a writing certificate program?

Courses are taught by instructors who are produced writers or entertainment professionals possessing significant related experience.
Most are Writers Guild of America (WGA) members.

  • This certificate program cannot be completed solely online.
    Intermediate or advanced level track is also available for those who meet certain requirements.

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