Creativity and gifted students

  • 50 characteristics of a gifted child

    Characteristics of Gifted Children

    High level of intensity. Enjoys learning; rapid learner. Depth of perception. Keen sense of observation and extraordinary memory. Sophisticated language and thought process. Ability to recognize more options. Dislikes repeating or practicing something they already know. Perfectionist..

  • Characteristics of gifted talented and creative students

    Characteristics of Gifted Children

    High level of intensity. Enjoys learning; rapid learner. Depth of perception. Keen sense of observation and extraordinary memory. Sophisticated language and thought process. Ability to recognize more options. Dislikes repeating or practicing something they already know. Perfectionist..

  • Characteristics of gifted talented and creative students

    Common Characteristics of Gifted Children:
    Enthusiastic about unique interests and topics.
    Quirky or mature sense of humor.
    Creative problem solving and imaginative expression.
    Absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed..

  • Why is creativity important to gifted students?

    This leads us to one of the most significant benefits that creativity brings to gifted students: the freedom to be one's self and, just as impor- tant, the experience of being accepted by like-minded peers..

Apr 20, 2021Openness: Creatively gifted children live in a world of endless possibilities. Where an intellectually gifted child will debate the correct 

Do gifted children have the requisite 'ingredients' to become creative adults?

Yet many gifted children do have the requisite “ingredients” to become highly creative adult contributors to the arts and sciences.
If these gifted students are to realize their creative potential, particular attention must be paid to the promotion and maintenance of their intrinsic motivation in the classroom.


What is giftedness talent and creativity?

It is important to note that there is no universal definition of giftedness, talent and creativity and how each should be measured.
For ease of readership, the term gifted in this resource stands more generally for gifted, talented and creative.
Thinking and learning:

  • How do students think and learn.
  • What motivates students? .
  • ,

    What makes a student a gifted student?

    Most students are identified for gifted programs by tests of intelligence and achievement.
    However, Renzulli’s influential conception of giftedness is composed of three ingredients:

  • above average ability
  • task commitment
  • and creativity ( 2016 ).
  • ,

    Why is creative thinking less recognized if students are gifted?

    Because most students who are identified as gifted are identified based on intelligence and academic achievement, creative thinking is less often recognized or nurtured.
    This should change.
    When people think about creativity, they usually think of the arts.
    However, creativity can be expressed in any realm of human endeavor.

    The Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) is a scholastic assessment for school children.
    It is used mostly for Gifted & Talented admissions.
    It is administered by a teacher who knows the child well.
    The teacher rates specific gifted behaviors that they have observed over time.

    School in Baghdad, Baghdad Governorate, Iraq

    The Gifted Students' School (GSS) is a co-educational institution for gifted students in Baghdad and another six cities, Iraq.
    Every year, talented students from all over Iraq apply to the school, and tests in IQ, science, math and creativity are administered.
    Fewer than twenty students are accepted by each grade each year.
    Creativity and gifted students
    Creativity and gifted students

    High school, secondary school in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted is an academically selective public school for talented and gifted students from grade 6 to 12 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    Established in 2000, Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted was the first partially state-funded, semi-boarding school specialized in various subjects, especially foreign languages in Ho Chi Minh city.
    The school requires entrance exams for admission.


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