What is the definition of credit quality risk quizlet

  • What is a credit quizlet?

    What is credit? Credit is the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future..

  • What is credit quizlet?

    What is credit? Credit is the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future..

  • What is the credit risk quizlet?

    What is Credit Risk? Credit risk is the risk of loss due to a debtor's default: non-payment of a loan or other exposure. payment, restructuring, or bankruptcy..

  • What is the definition of yield to maturity quizlet?

    yield to maturity (YTM) the rate of return of an investment in a bond that is held to its maturity date, or the discount rate that sets the present value of the promised bond payments equal to the current market price of the bond..

  • What is the purpose of credit quizlet?

    What is the purpose of using credit? Allow buyers to purchase items and pay for them in the future.
    List the sources of consumer credit.
    Give two examples of collateral that might be used to secure a loan..

  • The default risk is the risk of a given company not being able to make its interest payments or pay back the principal amount of their debt.
    All else equal, the higher a company's default risk, the higher the interest rate a lender will require it to pay.
  • yield to maturity (YTM) the rate of return of an investment in a bond that is held to its maturity date, or the discount rate that sets the present value of the promised bond payments equal to the current market price of the bond.
- Credit quality risk is the chance that an issuer may default on payment. Taxability risk refers to changes in tax status or rates. The chance that an issuer will either be late paying or will not pay an interest or principal payment.
The chance that an issuer will either be late paying or will not pay an interest or principal payment. - Credit quality risk is the chance that an issuer may default on payment. Taxability risk refers to changes in tax status or rates. - Calling a bond means the issuer repays the bond prior to maturity.


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