Criminal law in pakistan

  • 16 There is no limitation period in Pakistan to prosecute and punish a crime; unlike some countries where there are statutes of criminal limitations.
  • How criminal justice system works in Pakistan?

    The process is set in motion by filing of a first information report (FIR) as per guidelines set out in Section 154 of CrPC.
    This is followed by an investigation, after which an officer sends a report to the relevant magistrate and/or sessions judge (Final Report or chalan)..

  • What are the major criminal laws in Pakistan?

    In Pakistan the major statutes relating to criminal law are the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898.
    Out of these two the former deals in defining all the offences and mentioning their punishments along, the former is specifically a code of procedure..

  • What is criminal law in Pakistan?

    Criminal law concerns the system of legal rules that define what conduct is classified as a crime and how the government may prosecute individuals that commit crimes, in instances where an individual fails to adhere to a particular criminal statute, he or she commits a criminal act by breaking the law..

  • What is criminal law of Pakistan?

    Criminal Law Practice in Pakistan
    Every act or omission that violates a command, derives its force from legislature or from authority - either political or religious - that has absolute sway over the matters of state is considered to be a crime..

  • What is the criminal justice system of Pakistan?

    The High Court exercises administrative control over such courts.
    The civil courts consist of district Judge, Additional District Judge and Civil Judge Class I, II & III.
    Similarly, the criminal courts comprise of Session Judge, Additional Session Judge, and Judicial Magistrate Class I, II & III..

  • What is the criminal procedure in Pakistan?

    Act V of 1898, 1 July 1898
    Criminal procedure code lay down the procedure for hearing, and punishing or acquitting an accused.
    The main object of criminal procedure code is thus to supplement the Pakistan penal code, by rules of procedure with a view to prevent offences and bring offender to justice..

  • What is the penal law in Pakistan?

    Pakistan Penal Code 1860 [PPC] is the main criminal code of Pakistan.
    It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law.
    The Code has since been amended several times and is now supplemented by other criminal provisions..

  • The High Court exercises administrative control over such courts.
    The civil courts consist of district Judge, Additional District Judge and Civil Judge Class I, II & III.
    Similarly, the criminal courts comprise of Session Judge, Additional Session Judge, and Judicial Magistrate Class I, II & III.
  • The laws of Pakistan are based on the Constitution of Pakistan which serves as the supreme law of the land.
    Pakistan has a common law legal system which is a mix of Islamic, British, and local laws.
    The laws of Pakistan are divided into two main categories: civil law and criminal law.
Rating 4.8 (9,212) ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Criminal Law Services - Pakistan. Blue Collar Crime. Crime & Prevention. Blue collar crimes are crimes which are more visible 
Amended by: Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2012 (XXIII of 2002),Criminal Law This Act shall be called the Pakistan Penal Code, and shall take effect throughout 

What are the laws relating to hijacking in Pakistan?

1Subs. by the Law Reforms Ordinance, 1972 (12 of 1972), s. 2 and Sch., for “transportation for life”. 2Subs. by the Criminal Laws (Amdt.) Ordinance, 1980 (3 of 1980), ss.7&10, for “may extend to”. 3Ins. by the Pakistan Penal Code (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1981 (30 of 1981), s. 2. 402B.
Punishment for hijacking.


What is a 'offence' under the Pakistan Criminal Code?


  • In this section the word "offence" includes
  • every act committed outside Pakistan which
  • if committed in Pakistan
  • would be punishable under this Code.
    Extension of Code to extraterritorial offences.
    Section 53.
    The punishments to which offenders are liable under the provisions of this Code are:.
  • ,

    What is the constitutional basis of criminal justice system in Pakistan?

    The cumulative reading of the competence of federal and provincial legislatures, the jurisdictions of constitutional courts, and the fundamental rights provides for the constitutional basis of the criminal justice system in Pakistan.


    Who is liable for a crime in Pakistan?

    Punishment of offences committed within Pakistan.
    Every person shall be liable to punishment under this Code and not otherwise for every act or omission contrary to the provisions thereof, of which he shall be guilty within Pakistan.
    Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law may be tried within Pakistan.

    Retaliatory compensation in Islamic law

    Diya in Islamic law, is the financial compensation paid to the victim or heirs of a victim in the cases of murder, bodily harm or property damage by mistake.
    It is an alternative punishment to qisas.
    In Arabic, the word means both blood money and ransom, and it is spelled sometimes as diyah or diyeh.


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