Criminal law keywords

  • List of criminology terminologies


  • List of criminology terminologies

    theftstealing, in generalthieftraffickingtrading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.treasonbetraying one's country by helping its enemiestraitortrespassingentering another person's area; hurting people/damaging property through forcetrespasser.

  • Key Takeaways
    The elements of a crime are criminal act, criminal intent, concurrence, causation, harm, and attendant circumstances.
Criminal Law Glossary
  • Accessory.
  • Accomplice.
  • Acquittal.
  • Adult.
  • Affirmative Defense.
  • Aggravated Assault.
  • Aid and Abet.
  • Alibi.
Mar 27, 2023Capital Punishment, Corrections, Courts. Crime, Criminal Case, Criminal Justice Policy, Criminal Justice Administration, Criminal JusticeĀ 

What are the three elements of criminal law?

For a discussion on strict liability, see chapter 4.
Consequently, criminal offences are generally made up of three key elements:

  • actus reus
  • mens rea
  • and the absence of a defence.
    The Latin terms, actus reus and mens rea, are fundamental to the study of criminal law and you will come across them in most chapters in this book.
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    What is criminal law?

    Criminal law is concerned with the punishment of offenders and a defendant who has been found guilty ( convicted) of a criminal offence will be sentenced.
    Sentences range from terms of imprisonment to community sentences, such as:

  • community punishment orders and community rehabilitation orders
  • and fines.
  • ,

    Why do lawyers need a legal keyword ranking?

    Often, people search for the specific service they are looking for.
    For lawyers, this can be services you provide or legal issues that need fixing.
    Ranking for these keywords can bring clients to your website, as well as provide a wider breadth of legal keyword rankings to your site.


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