Criminal law of south sudan

  • How are laws made in South Sudan?

    South Sudan has a pluralistic legal system with five sources of law: The Transitional Constitution; written laws; customs and traditions of the people; the will of the people and any other relevant source..

  • What are the crimes in South Sudan?

    Country Summary: Violent crime, such as carjackings, shootings, ambushes, assaults, robberies, and kidnappings is common throughout South Sudan, including Juba.
    Foreign nationals have been the victims of rape, sexual assault, armed robberies, and other violent crimes..

  • What are the sources of criminal law in South Sudan?

    Sudanese criminal law includes elements from British colonial penal law, the Egyptian civil code and the 1983 'September Laws', under which penalties are prescribed by Islamic law..

  • What is crime like in South Sudan?

    Violent crime
    Kidnapping, murder, shootings, home invasions, armed robbery, carjacking and sexual assault are common throughout South Sudan, including Juba.
    Carjacking and gun crime frequently happens and may include: compound invasions. attacks on hotels and restaurants..

  • Crimes against the state such as espionage, instigation of war against the state and undermining constitutional order.
    Crimes against body and soul.
    This includes murder and the instigation of a minor to commit suicide.
    Crimes of honour, public morality and reputation.
  • Physical Abuse, Punishment, and Torture: Government forces, opposition forces, other armed groups and armed militias affiliated with the government and the opposition tortured, raped, and otherwise abused civilians in conflict areas.
  • Sharia law.
    Sharia is not a fixed set of ideas.
    There are substantially different interpretations of sharia in Sudan and other countries concerning what it is or should be.
    During Sudan's relatively brief independent history, Islamic authorities approached it from varying points of view.
any Court in Southern Sudan in criminal and criminal related matters, except for criminal proceedings under National. Laws, which will be governed by 
When such an Act is Criminal by Reason of its Being Committed. With a Criminal Knowledge or Intent. 50. Cooperation by Committing One of Several Acts 

Historical Introduction

The Republic of South Sudan became a sovereign nation onJuly 9, 2011.
The date marked the end of a long fight for independence, whichspanned two civil wars (1955-1972, 1983-2005), the signing of a ComprehensivePeace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, and ultimately a referendum on self-determinationin January 2011.
The new country is home to roughly 11 milli.


Is South Sudan prosperous?

South Sudan is currently the quintessential definition of a failed state.
The only people prosperous in the country are the politicians and generals/warlords.
South Sudan has been at war for 4 years now.
The civil war is primarily lead by the Dinka Tribe and the Nuer Tribe, which are the two most dominant tribe in the region.


Is Sudan or South Sudan better?

Sudan is much better than South Sudan.
It offers few peaceful and growing cities like Khartoum and Red Sea, rich culture and few historical places to visit.
How to:

  • Fix your dark spots.
    Surgeon explains at home fix for dark spots and uneven skin tones on skin. , Lived in Africa, 2x, loved it! .
  • ,

    The Executive Power

    The head of the executive is the President of the Republicof South Sudan.
    The President is also the commander-in-chief of the SPLA. [ ] Election of the President is direct and the term of office is five years.
    The President is given a strong institutional position,due to a long list of functions, which grant oversight and influence over thelegislat.


    The Legal System ofthe Republic of South Sudan

    The South Sudanese legal system is built on thecombination of statutory and customary laws.
    South Sudan has enacted dozens oflaws since 2005, but their use in legal disputes and courts is limited. [ ] Poor dissemination of laws, little experience with the new statutoryprovisions, the difficulty of many legal staff in understanding English [ ] and l.


    The Legislative Power

    The National Legislature of the Republic of South Sudanconsists of the National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States.
    TheNational Legislative Assembly is elected in a national general election fromthe constituencies as defined by the National Election Law.
    In elections, thereis a separate women’s-list to fulfill the constitutional require.


    The Transitionalconstitution of 2011

    3.1 InterimConstitution of Southern Sudan 2005 The InterimConstitution of Southern Sudan was mandated by the CPA and entered into forcein 2005, concurrently with an Interim National Constitution.
    It set out thegovernment’s organizational structure.
    The differences between the InterimConstitution and the Transitional Constitution reflect ongoing int.


    What is the GDP of South Sudan?

    The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in South Sudan was worth 1 billion US dollars in 2019, according to official data from the World Bank.
    The GDP value of South Sudan represents less than 0.01 percent of the world economy. source:

  • World Bank .
  • ,

    What is the legal system in Sudan?

    Proportional representation is a fair electoral system as it leads to reflect the votes cast for each party.
    A proportional system was introduced in Sudan in 2008 to ensure a fair representation of women (30%) and political parties (15).
    However, the same law adopted the simple majority system for the geographic constituencies.

    Criminal law of south sudan
    Criminal law of south sudan

    Institutional corruption in the country

    Corruption in South Sudan is among the worst in the world.
    The nation's elites have developed a kleptocratic system that controls every part of the South Sudanese economy.
    This system has taken shape quickly in a relatively short period, South Sudan having won self-rule in 2005 while remaining part of Sudan, and having been accorded full sovereignty in 2011.
    Foreign relations of South Sudan

    Foreign relations of South Sudan

    Overview of the foreign relations of South Sudan

    The Republic of South Sudan established relations with sovereign states and international organizations following independence on 9 July 2011.
    South Sudan's former ruling country of Sudan was the first state in the world to recognize South Sudan.
    The history of Sudan refers to the territory that today makes

    The history of Sudan refers to the territory that today makes

    The history of Sudan refers to the territory that today makes up Republic of the Sudan and the state of South Sudan, which became independent in 2011.
    The territory of Sudan is geographically part of a larger African region, also known by the term Sudan.
    The term is derived from Arabic: بلاد السودان bilād as-sūdān, or land of the black people
    , and has sometimes been used more widely referring to the Sahel belt of West and Central Africa.
    Law enforcement in Sudan

    Law enforcement in Sudan

    Law enforcement in Sudan is the law enforcement of the country of Sudan.


    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in South Sudan face legal and societal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents.
    Male same-sex sexual activity is illegal and carries a penalty of up to ten years' imprisonment.
    Active enforcement of the law is not pursued by authorities: No prosecutions are known to have occurred since South Sudan gained its independence in 2011.
    LGBT persons are met with abuse and discrimination from agents of the government and additionally face stigmatisation among the broader population.
    Outline of South Sudan

    Outline of South Sudan

    Overview of and topical guide to South Sudan

    The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to South Sudan:
    Prostitution in South Sudan is legal but related activities such as soliciting or brothel-keeping are illegal.


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