Criminal law (amendment) act 2013 ppt

What are the criticisms of the 2013 Rape Act?

Critics of the 2013 Act run the gamut of political and ideological affiliations.
One of the most notable omissions of the Act is its failure to criminalize marital rape—as recommended by the Verma Committee—which places India in the company of a select group of nations, including:

  • China
  • Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
  • ,

    What are the major amendments in Indian Penal Code?

    Major amendments by the Act in the Indian Penal Code, not only widen the ambit of certain offences but also recognises new offences like acid attacks which earlier lacked a specific provision and definition in the Code.


    What is a gangrape Amendment?

    This Amendment was the result of the nationwide protests that took place after the 2012 Delhi Gangrape Case (Nirbhaya Gangrape Case).
    This incident highlighted the underlying flaws in the existing rape laws in the country and demanded an urgent reform.
    Subsequently, a committee headed by a former Supreme Court Judge J. JS Verma was constituted.


    What is the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013?

    The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, an Indian legislation passed by the Lok Sabha on 19 March 2013, and by the Rajya Sabha on 21 March 2013, provides for amendment of Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, and Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 on laws related to sexual offences.


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