Canadian criminal law basics

  • What are the basic principles of Canadian law?

    Impartiality, rule of law, equality, fairness and the right to be presumed innocent are fundamental principles that are important to our legal system.
    Consider the following story..

  • What is the basic system of law in Canada?

    Canada is a bijural country – that means it has both common and civil law systems.
    Matters of private law in Q are governed by the civil law, while the common law applies in the other provinces..

  • Actus reus and mens rea are two essential elements of the criminal offence.
    The prosecution (the Crown) must establish both of these elements, beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • In Canada's constitutional monarchy, bills require the assent of the Monarch to become a law.
    Once both the Senate and the House of Commons have passed a bill in identical form, in both official languages, the bill is given to the Governor General for Royal Assent.
  • The Canadian criminal justice system is comprised of three major components -- police, courts, and correctional services -- each of which includes several types of official decisionmakers.
Basic principles of Canadian criminal law
  • Presumption of Innocence - Every criminal case begins with the presumption that the accused person is innocent.
  • Due Process – Due process is related to the presumption of innocence.
The criminal justice system is built on a few important principles. B.C. shares these basic principles with all common law criminal justice systems around 

What are the principles of Canada's criminal justice system?

Openness and Accessibility of Court - Only through an open and public process can the public have confidence in the justice system and be satisfied that parties are treated fairly.
Equality Before the Law - All people in Canada are equal under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The principles of British Columbia's criminal justice system.


What is the Canadian Criminal Code?

The Criminal Code is a federal law that includes ,definitions of most of the criminal offences that the Parliament of Canada has enacted.
It is often updated as society evolves and to improve the Canadian criminal process.
What is in the Criminal Code.
The Criminal Code includes ,a wide range of crimes, such as:

  • murder
  • assault
  • theft and fraud.
  • Canadian criminal law basics
    Canadian criminal law basics
    The Canadian Forces Military Police provide police, security and operational support services to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Department of National Defence (DND) worldwide.


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