Criminal law malta

  • How is crime in Malta?

    Compared to most of Europe, Malta remains one of the safest places to live.
    Crime rates are extremely low, with most crimes reported considered to be petty.
    It also has one of the lowest murder rates in the entire world..

  • What are the self defense laws in Malta?

    In Malta legitimate self-defence is found in our Criminal Code.
    A careful read of Articles 224 & Article 227 of the Criminal Code limits self-defence only to cases of homicide or bodily harm..

  • What is criminal responsibility in Malta?

    The age of criminal responsibility, or the age at which a person can be charged with a criminal offence, is established in articles 35 through 37 of Malta's Criminal Code.
    The law sets the minimum age of criminal responsibility at 14, meaning that no person under that age can be charged with a criminal offence..

  • What is the assault law in Malta?

    An assault is constituted by any attempt to apply unlawful force to another, or any threat which is accompanied by, or consists of, any act or gesture showing a present intent to use unlawful force, and is also accompaniedby a present ability to carry the threat into execution..

  • What is the legal system in Malta?

    The Maltese Legal system is a synthesis of the various legal cultures which exerted influence on it during the long years of colonial rule.
    Although British rule was officialised in 1814, the British refrained from imposing common law in Malta..

  • What is the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Malta?

    Child's legal capacity
    In Malta the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 14.
    For all matters, the minimum age at which a plaintiff can bring a case to court in their own right is 18..

  • In Malta legitimate self-defence is found in our Criminal Code.
    A careful read of Articles 224 & Article 227 of the Criminal Code limits self-defence only to cases of homicide or bodily harm.
  • The Statute of Limitations, or rather, the Extinctive Prescription period as it is known in Maltese jurisprudence, is a concept which describes the time bars, or time limits, within which parties can institute proceedings starting on the day of the damage.
    This refers to both civil as well as criminal matters.
law, constitutes an offence even when committed outside Malta: Exception. Provided that no criminal action shall be prosecuted against the President of Malta 
1900.1. 2. Offences are divided into crimes and contraventions. Actions arising from an offence.
Page 1. CRIMINAL CODE. [CAP. 9. 1. CHAPTER 9. CRIMINAL CODE. To amend and Provided that no criminal action shall be prosecuted against the President of Malta 

Can a custody officer leave Malta without authority?

CRIMINAL CODE[CAP. 9. 203 authority or to appear at a police station, the custody officer may give notice in writing to that person that the condition not to attempt or do anything to leave Malta without authority no longer applied or that his attendance at the police station is not required.


What is a criminal action in Malta?

Amended by:

  • L.N. 46 of 1965;
  • LVIII.1974.68; XXVII.1975.2; III.2002.2. 4. (1) The criminal action is essentially a public action and is vested in the State and is prosecuted in the name of the Republic of Malta, through the Executive Police or the Attorney General, as the case may be, according to law.
  • ,

    Who has access to a lawyer after arrest in Malta?

    (1) A requested person shall have the right of access to a lawyer upon arrest in Malta pursuant to a European arrest warrant.


    Who is liable if a person is unlawfully removed from Malta?

    Whosoever unlawfully and forcibly removes any person to any other country, or wrongfully detains, arrests or confines any citizen of Malta in any other country, shall, on conviction, be liable to the punishment laid down in article 87.
    Sub-title II OF OUTRAGE AND VIOLENCE AGAINST PUBLIC OFFICERS Violence and threats against public officers.

    Criminal law malta
    Criminal law malta

    Termination of pregnancy in Malta

    Abortion in Malta is legal in cases where the life of the pregnant woman is at risk.
    Malta has the most restrictive laws in Europe, alongside Andorra, regarding abortion due to the influence of Roman Catholic Christianity in its law, culture and society; in the 2021 census, around 82% of the population identified as Roman Catholic.

    Use of cannabis in Malta

    Cannabis in Malta is legal, within limits, to grow, use, and possess for adults.
    In 2018, the Parliament of Malta legalised medical cannabis.
    On 14 December 2021, the Parliament of Malta legalised recreational cannabis for personal possession and use for those aged 18-years-old and over, becoming the first EU country to do so.
    The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) (LGA) is the gaming control

    The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) (LGA) is the gaming control

    The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) (LGA) is the gaming control board of Malta.
    It regulates most forms of gambling in its territory, including both land-based and online gambling services including B2C and B2B services.
    The Malta Police Force is the national police

    The Malta Police Force is the national police

    National police force of Malta

    The Malta Police Force is the national police force of the Republic of Malta.
    It falls under the responsibility of the Ministry for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms & Equality and its objectives are set out in The Police Act, Chapter 164 of the Laws of Malta.
    The president of Malta is the constitutional head of

    The president of Malta is the constitutional head of

    Head of State of Malta

    The president of Malta is the constitutional head of state of Malta.
    The president is indirectly elected by the House of Representatives of Malta, which appoints the president for a five-year term and requires them to swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
    The president of Malta also resides directly or indirectly in all three branches of the state.
    They are part of Parliament and responsible for the appointment of the judiciary.
    Executive authority is nominally vested in the president, but is in practice exercised by the prime minister.

    Attempts to try war criminals following World War I

    After World War I, the effort to prosecute Ottoman war criminals was taken up by the Paris Peace Conference (1919) and ultimately included in the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) with the Ottoman Empire.
    The Ottoman government organized a series of courts martial in 1919–1920 to prosecute war criminals, but these failed on account of political pressure.
    The main effort by the Allied administration that occupied Constantinople fell short of establishing an international tribunal in Malta to try the so-called Malta exiles, Ottoman war criminals held as POWs by the British forces in Malta.
    In the end, no tribunals were held in Malta.
    Prostitution in Malta is itself legal

    Prostitution in Malta is itself legal

    Overview of the legality and practice of prostitution in Malta

    Prostitution in Malta is itself legal, but certain activities connected with it, such as running a brothel and loitering, are not.
    Certain offences are punishable by sentences of up to two years in prison.
    In March 2008, police and the Malta Ministry for Social Policy signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize a screening process for all arrested persons engaged in prostitution to determine whether they were victims of trafficking or other abuses.
    The law provides punishments of up to 6 years for involving minors in prostitution.
    The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of

    The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of

    The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law, also referred to as The IIJ or Malta Institute, is an International body, which aims to improve governance within underdeveloped countries, with its main focus on counter-terrorism.
    The IIJ was founded in 2014 by twelve founding nations and is based in Valletta, Malta.
    It is often referred to as a Global Counter-Terrorism Forum inspired institution.
    The founding nations include the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, the United States and the EU.
    It also partnered with a number of International federations, such as the United Nations and the EU.


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