Crystallography pronunciation

  • How do you say crystallographic?

    Also crys\xb7tal\xb7lo\xb7graph\xb7i\xb7cal [kris-tl-uh-graf-i-kuhl] /ˌkrɪs tl əˈgr\xe6f ɪ kəl/ ..

  • Also crys\xb7tal\xb7lo\xb7graph\xb7i\xb7cal [kris-tl-uh-graf-i-kuhl] /ˌkrɪs tl əˈgr\xe6f ɪ kəl/ .
How to properly pronounce crystallography? crystallography Pronunciation ˌkrɪs tlˈɒg rə fi crys·tal·log·ra·phy


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Crystallography axes
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