Xtal crystallography

  • How do you use XRD to determine crystal structure?

    The XRD method includes the following Steps:
    The incident beam will ionize electrons from the K-shell (1s) of the target atom and X-rays are emitted as the resultant vacancies are filled by electrons dropping down from the L (.

    1. P) or M (3p) levels.
    2. This gives rise to Kα and Kβ lines.

  • Is XRD and crystallography the same?

    The key difference between X-ray crystallography and X-ray diffraction is that x-ray crystallography refers to the technique in which single crystals are exposed to x-rays, whereas x-ray diffraction refers to the technique in which a wide range of forms of the material are used for the measurement..

  • What is the principle of XRD?

    X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) is a technique used in materials science to determine the crystallographic structure of a material.
    XRD works by irradiating a material with incident X-rays and then measuring the intensities and scattering angles of the X-rays that leave the material [1]..

  • Crystallographers can work out the atomic structure of almost anything.
    And they use this knowledge to answer why things behave the way they do.
    Crystallography reveals why diamonds are hard and shiny and why salt melts in the mouth.
The Gnu Xtal System is a modular suite of software oriented primarily towards small-molecule crystallography, but which also covers some powder diffraction and 


Version 3.7 is maintained as an open-source collaborative project

Language and Platform

The software is written in Fortran 77 generated from a RATionalized MACro (RATMAC) preprocessor to insulate the code base from variations in


1. Release Notes 2

Terms and Conditions of Use

Copyright in the software © 1983-2001 The Xtal System of Crystallographic Software. The University of Western Australia

What is crystallography in chemistry?

Crystallographyisa branchof science that examines crystals

Today we know that crystalsare made of matter, atoms, molecules and/or ions that fit together inrepeating patterns, calledunit cells, which like bricks stacked in threedimensions form the crystals

Inside the unit cells atoms are alsorepeated by symmetry operations

Where can I find Crystallographic Information?

The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre also offers this website through its Database of Educational Crystallographic Online Resources ( DECOR )

Martín Martínez Ripoll (1946- ) and Félix Hernández Cano (1941-2005+) were coauthors of a first version of these pages in the early 1990's

Who discovered crystal morphology?

Also based on the observation of crystal morphologies, theDanishscientist NielsStensen (1638-1686)and the French mineralogist Jean-BaptisteLouis Romé de l'Isle (1736-1790), established thelaw of constancy of angles between faces of different crystal specimensof the same species


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