Laws of crystallography notes

  • What are the laws of crystallography in short notes?

    The laws of crystallography are a set of rules that describe the symmetry and geometry of crystals.
    These laws include the law of constancy of interfacial angles, the law of rational indices, the law of symmetry of crystal forms, and the law of symmetry of physical properties..

  • What is first law of crystallography?

    The law of the constancy of interfacial angles (or 'first law of crystallography') states that the angles between the crystal faces of a given species are constant, whatever the lateral extension of these faces and the origin of the crystal, and are characteristic of that species.Jun 30, 2023.

  • What is the law of rational indices in crystallography?

    The law of rational indices states that the intercepts of any face of a crystal along the crystallographic axes are either equal to the unit intercepts (a,b,c) or some simple whole number multiples of them ,eg. na,n'a,n''a etc are simple whole numbers ..

  • Definition.
    The law of rational indices states that the intercepts, OP, OQ, OR, of the natural faces of a crystal form with the unit-cell axes a, b, c (see Fig. 1) are inversely proportional to prime integers, h, k, l.
  • The relationship was discovered in 1669 by the Danish geologist Nicolaus Steno, who noted that, although quartz crystals differ in appearance from one to another, the angles between corresponding faces are always the same.

Georgius Agricola is considered the 'father of mineralogy'.
Nicolas Steno founded the stratigraphy, the geology characterizes the rocks in each layer and the mineralogy characterizes the minerals in each rock.
The chemical elements were discovered in identified minerals and with the help of the identified elements the mineral crystal structure could be described.
One milestone was the discovery of the geometrical law of crystallization by René Just Haüy, a further development of the work by Nicolas Steno and Jean-Baptiste L.
Romé de l'Isle.
Important contributions came from some Saxon Bergraths/ Freiberg Mining Academy: Johann F.
Henckel, Abraham Gottlob Werner and his students.
Other milestones were the notion that metals are elements too and the periodic table of the elements by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.
The overview of the organic bonds by Kekulé was necessary to understand the silicates, first refinements described by Bragg and Machatschki; and it was only possibly to understand a crystal structure with Dalton's atomic theory, the notion of atomic orbital and Goldschmidt's explanations.
Specific gravity, streak and X-ray powder diffraction are quite specific for a Nickel-Strunz identifier.
Nowadays, non-destructive electron microprobe analysis is used to get the empirical formula of a mineral.
Finally, the International Zeolite Association (IZA) took care of the zeolite frameworks.


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