Crystallographic names

  • What are the 32 crystallographic point groups?

    crystallography, branch of science that deals with discerning the arrangement and bonding of atoms in crystalline solids and with the geometric structure of crystal lattices.
    Classically, the optical properties of crystals were of value in mineralogy and chemistry for the identification of substances..

  • What are the 32 crystallographic point groups?

    The 32 crystal classes represent the 32 possible combinations of symmetry operations.
    Each crystal class will have crystal faces that uniquely define the symmetry of the class.
    These faces, or groups of faces are called crystal forms..

  • What are the 7 crystal groups?

    There are 7 crystals systems and they are named: Triclinic, Monoclinic, Orthorhombic, Tetragonal, Trigonal, Hexagonal, and Cubic..

The seven crystal systems are triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, and cubic. Informally, two crystals are in the same crystal  ClassificationsCrystal classesBravais latticesIn other dimensions


Crystallographic data are primarily extracted from published scientific articles and supplementary material


As of 2008, more than 700,000 crystal structures had been published and stored in crystal structure databases


Search capacities of crystallographic databases differ widely. Basic functionality comprises search by keywords, physical properties

Crystal phase identification

Crystalline material may be divided into single crystals, twin crystals, polycrystals, and crystal powder. In a single crystal, the arrangement of atoms, ions


Newer versions of crystal structure databases integrate the visualization of crystal and molecular structures

What is crystallographic symmetry?

It states that the symmetry of any physical property of a crystal is higher than, or at least equal to, its crystallographic point-group symmetry, or in the language of groups, the symmetry of any physical property of a crystal is a proper or improper supergroup of its crystallographic symmetry :


Crystallography in nanotechnology
Crystallography of nanomaterials
Crystallography parameters
Crystallography patterns
Crystallography parameter definition
Crystallography pay rate
Crystallographic parameters
Crystallographic parameters in kmno4 are
Pandda crystallography
Crystallographic patterns
Patterson crystallography
Parrot crystallography
Crystallographic packing efficiency
Crystallographic packing fraction
Crystallography diffraction pattern
Raman crystallography
Radio crystallography
Racemic crystallography
Crystallographic radii
Rupp crystallography