Ice rings crystallography

  • What is the crystallographic structure of ice?

    At standard atmospheric pressure and at temperatures near 0 \xb.

    1. C, the ice crystal commonly takes the form of sheets or planes of oxygen atoms joined in a series of open hexagonal rings.
    2. The axis parallel to the hexagonal rings is termed the c-axis and coincides with the optical axis of the crystal structure.

  • What is the resolution of ice rings diffraction?

    Pure hexagonal ice has 11 diffraction rings between 4 and 1.5 \xc5 resolution (Table 1 ▸).Mar 30, 2021.

  • What type of crystal is ice?

    Ice Ih (hexagonal ice crystal) (pronounced: ice one h, also known as ice-phase-one) is the hexagonal crystal form of ordinary ice, or frozen water.
    Virtually all ice in the biosphere is ice Ih, with the exception only of a small amount of ice Ic that is occasionally present in the upper atmosphere..

  • Why does ice form a crystal lattice?

    When water freezes, the bipolar molecules are attracted to each other, forming a hexagonal crystal lattice.
    When ice crystals form, water molecules cannot deposit onto the crystal haphazardly.
    The molecules must fit into the shape of the crystal.
    The shape of a crystal is called its habit..

  • Pure hexagonal ice has 11 diffraction rings between 4 and 1.5 \xc5 resolution (Table 1 ▸).Mar 30, 2021
  • There are two closely related variants of ice I: hexagonal ice Ih, which has hexagonal symmetry, and cubic ice Ic, which has a crystal structure similar to diamond.
    Ice Ih is the normal form of ice; ice Ic is formed by depositing vapor at very low temperatures (below 140\xb.
    1. K)
Mar 30, 2021Pure hexagonal ice has 11 diffraction rings between 4 and 1.5 Å resolution (Table 1 ▸). Cubic ice has three diffraction rings, the locations of  IntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussion and conclusions

Are ice-ring artefacts a problem in experimental X-ray data?

The analysis suggests that a significant portion of the data sets deposited in the PDB contain ice-ring artefacts

Furthermore, it is demonstrated how other problems in experimental X-ray data caused, for example, by scaling and data-conversion procedures can be detected by AUSPEX

Does ice ring intensity vary across a scan?

By contrast, pixels containing ice rings appear to showmuch greater variation across the scan, with an index of dispersion of greater than 2

0 in some cases

This appears to indicate that the intensity of the ice-ring background varies much more than the general background counts

Open in a separate window Figure 5

What are the types of ice diffraction in protein crystallography?

Types of ice diffraction from bulk cryoprotectant solutions and from protein crystals Ice diffraction in protein crystallography can arise from ice in the internal crystal solvent, from ice formed in residual cryoprotectant-containing solvent on the crystal surface and from frost


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