Culinary arts at laney college

  • How much does it cost to go to Laney College culinary arts?

    What does it cost to attend the Laney College Culinary Arts program? At only $46 per unit, Laney College has one of the most affordable culinary arts programs in the Bay Area.
    We also have many grants and financial aid opportunities to low-income students.
    Many students attend Laney Culinary at no cost..

At only $46 per unit, Laney College has one of the most affordable culinary arts programs in the Bay Area. We also have many grants and financial aid  Culinary Arts & Restaurant Baking & Pastry DegreeFacultyAbout Us
At only $46 per unit, Laney College has one of the most affordable culinary arts programs in the Bay Area. We also have many grants and financial aid 
Our Programs Take classes in artisan bread making, traditional and contemporary desserts and pastries, cake decoration, candy, chocolate making, and more. Culinary Foundations Certificate– This accelerated one year program is designed for anyone looking to hone their craft, from complete beginners to employed cooks.

Does Laney College have a baking & pastry program?

Laney College Culinary Arts Baking & Pastry program prepares you for a career in the culinary arts! Learn baking and pastry fundamentals! Enroll now!

What is the culinary arts program at Community College of Allegheny County?

The culinary arts program of the Community College of Allegheny county is a non-apprenticeship curriculum geared to meet the modern demands of the hospitality

Besides hands-on laboratory experience, students are expected to complete at least 300 hours of externship

The program accepts both full- and part-time students

Course Number: CULIN 212 Units: 4 Class: 2 hours lecture


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