Culinary arts and design

At A GlanceDuration. 1 year full-time (10 months of study)Credential. Certificatework practicum. Yesapprenticeship. Level 1Tuition1. $5,633.
Culinary arts relates to the creative and innovative aspects of food preparation, cooking and presentation of food. This course aims to develop food products creatively relating to a brief and specifications using design thinking.
Develop your creative and culinary skills to offer unforgettable gourmet experiences. Combine artistic creativity and professional cooking skills to create 

Demographic Data of The Chefs

Demographic information of the chefs are presented in Table 1. Seven chefs were interviewed. While six of the participants lived in Istanbul

Culinary Arts

The ideas of the chefs about the relationship between the kitchen and art and the definition of the culinary arts were included in this theme

Qualifications of Culinary Artists

This theme explores the evaluations of the chefs regarding the qualifications of culinary artists

Design Process

When the chefs were asked about the elements that influenced them during the design phase

Presentation Evaluation Criteria

When evaluating a presentation in a food/pastry contest, the subjects were asked about the criteria they considered, and their answers are given below


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