Cultural geography chapter 2 quiz 2

  • What are the lines that separate colors on a relief map called?

    A common way to show relief is contour lines, also called topographic lines..

  • What does the word geography comes from two roots meaning written description?

    The word geography, invented by the ancient Greek scholar Eratosthenes, is based on two Greek words.
    Geo means "Earth," and graphy means "to write." Geography is the study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations..

  • Which projection is the most useful type of map for showing wide regions such as the United States?

    The Lambert Conformal Conic projection is a conic map projection that maintains accurate shapes and angles over small areas.
    This map projection is suitable for mapping regions with predominantly east-west extents, such as the United States..

  • The Lambert Conformal Conic projection is a conic map projection that maintains accurate shapes and angles over small areas.
    This map projection is suitable for mapping regions with predominantly east-west extents, such as the United States.
  • True/False The word geography comes from two roots meaning "written description" True.

What is the difference between physical and cultural geography?

Physical & Cultural Geography ● Geography - the study of places, their locations, and their physical and human characteristics ● Physical Geography - the study of landforms, oceans, weather and climate ● Cultural Geography - the study of how people have interacted with, changed and adapted to different places on the earth


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