Cultural significance of edor

  • What is an interesting fact about the game EDOR?

    Edor is a version of a chasing-tagging game which originates in the Aurukun Aboriginal community.
    The names Edor, Idor, Ida or the running game have all been used to refer to this game.
    Edor is best played by large groups but can be fun for small groups as well.Jul 3, 2018.

  • What is the cultural significance of Buroinjin?

    Buroinjin is a ball game that was played by the Kabi Kabi people in southern Queensland.
    The game was played with a ball made of kangaroo skin called buroinjin.
    The rules are simple, limited and easily understood which allowed for a unique social cohesion to be formed through organised play..

  • What is the cultural significance of EDOR?

    It also gave the men in the tribes a chance to show off their prowess and courage before the women.
    A chasing/tagging game that originated in the Aurukun Aboriginal community and is still frequently played today in North Queensland and the Torres Strait Islands.
    Edor is a word for 'the running game'..

  • Edor is a goal-orientated, chasing-and-tagging game for a large group of players.
    A large group of players can play.
    Players are • divided into two teams.
    Assign 'goals' at opposite ends of the playing • area by using a large tree or other structure.
  • Playing also stimulates the child to develop in general, both developing thinking, emotionally, and socially.
    Traditional games as one of the play activities can be used as a learning resource to meet the needs of children in developing the potential include cognitive, language, emotional, social and physical motor.
  • The aim is to try to make the most number of successive hits without the ball hitting the ground.
Background. This version of a chasing-and-tagging game originates in the Aurukun Aboriginal community and has been popular and played for as long as most.
The term edor has been commonly used in the north. Queensland and Torres Strait regions. Short description. Edor is a goal-orientated, chasing-and-tagging game.

How do you become an Edor?

To become the Edor a player of the defending team tags the player who was the Edor

This player then runs towards his or her designated goal at the other end of the playing area

The direction of the game changes each time a tag is made on the Edor

The game continues until a player is successfully able to reach the goal

How does the EDoR game work?

The direction of the game changes each time a tag is made on the Edor

The game continues until a player is successfully able to reach the goal

When a player reaches the goal his or her team wins the round and all players meet in the centre of the field to start a new game

What does Edor mean?

Edor – a chasing and tagging game Use as a warm-up activity or play as a competitive sport

Language: The names edor, idor, ida or “the running game” have all been used to refer to this game

The term edor has been commonly used in the north Queensland and Torres Strait regions


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