Cultural significance of lip plates

  • Are lip rings cultural?

    “Lip plugs are considered essential to the beauty of some African women and are viewed as having protective value to others.
    To prepare for marriage, young women in Ethiopia insert a flat, circular plug or disk into a slit in their lower lip.”.

  • What do lip plates symbolize?

    The Mursi Tribe, of which there are less than 10,000, are well known for the large plates the women wear in their lower lip.
    The custom of wearing a lip plate is linked to the female's fertility and eligibility for marriage..

  • What is the culture behind lip plates?

    The custom of wearing a lip plate is linked to the female's fertility and eligibility for marriage.
    When a Mursi girl reaches puberty (around age 15 to 16) she will have her lip cut by a female member of the tribe and a small wooden stick is inserted..

  • The lip-plate (dhebi a tugoin) has become the chief visible distinguishing characteristic of the Mursi and made them a prime attraction for tourists.
    A girl's lower lip is cut, by her mother or by another woman of her settlement, when she reaches the age of 15 or 16.
  • There are many rich traditions among the Surma.
    The most noticable is how they adorn themselves; men and children typically don't wear clothes; women wear large lip plates.
    They also engage in a spectacular form of stick-fighting, a tradition they still maintain.
  • “Lip plugs are considered essential to the beauty of some African women and are viewed as having protective value to others.
    To prepare for marriage, young women in Ethiopia insert a flat, circular plug or disk into a slit in their lower lip.”
The lip plate carries a number of meanings. Firstly, it's a symbol of great beauty. Secondly, it marks a commitment to the husband because it is worn with great pride when serving him food. If the husband dies, the lip plate is removed since a woman's external beauty is said to fade after his death.
The lip plate carries a number of meanings. Firstly, it's a symbol of great beauty. Secondly, it marks a commitment to the husband because it is worn with great pride when serving him food. If the husband dies, the lip plate is removed since a woman's external beauty is said to fade after his death.

Lip Plates How Do They Eat

The women who don plates usually only put them in when serving meals to their men, and also for ceremonies and other special occasions

What Does The Lip Plate symbolize

The lip plate is a symbol of great beauty in the African tribes where it is prevalent

History of The Lip Plate

Although there are various theories, nobody knows for sure when, where or even why this tradition started

What is lip plate culture?

The plates distinguish the tribes from any others in the eastern region of Africa

But it helps to know that the lip plate culture differs among the people

While the Sara will put the plates in their upper lip, the Ethiopian ethnic groups have it in their lower lip

What tribes wear lip plates?

Tribes that are known for their traditional lip plates include: The Mursi and Surma (Suri) women of Ethiopia The Sara women of Chad (ceased wearing plates in the 1920s) The Makonde of Tanzania and Mozambique (ceased wearing plates several decades ago) The Suyá men of Brazil (most no longer wear plates)

Why do women wear plates in their lower lips?

The Mursi, Chai and Tirma are probably the last groups in Africa amongst whom it is still the norm for women to wear large pottery or wooden discs or ‘plates’ in their lower lips

The lip-plate ( dhebi a tugoin) has become the chief visible distinguishing characteristic of the Mursi and made them a prime attraction for tourists

×Lip plates are a form of body modification practised by the Mursi community in Ethiopia. They have become a distinguishing characteristic of the tribe and have made them a great tourist attraction. The plates are normally worn by unmarried girls and newlywed women and are a great source of pride. The plates have symbolic value, and a girl who does not wear lip plates is scolded and regarded as lazy. The lip plate is also a way for the tribes that use it to show how they are different.,Lip plates, traditionally known as dhebi a tugoin, are a form of body modification practised by the Mursi community in Ethiopia. Lip plates have become a distinguishing characteristic of the tribe and have made them a great tourist attraction. The plates are normally worn by unmarried girls and newlywed women and are a great source of pride.The plates have symbolic value, a girl who does not wear lip plates is scolded and regarded as lazy. It might lead to less money being paid for her bride price. Traditionally, it is believed that a young lady who does not wear lip plates is more vulnerable in the presence of men.Lip plate gives people a lot of self-worth because it is seen as a source of pride. Some women paint their lip plates to make them look prettier. The lip plate is also a way for the tribes that use it to show how they are different. It makes them different from other tribes. The lip plate is worn at weddings and dance competitions.


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