Cultural history of civil examinations

  • Did the Chinese civil service exam create a more democratic society?

    This method offered Chinese people a sense of democracy, as it allowed for the selection of persons from all areas of life, regardless of their social standing or income.
    This system also allowed for a more equitable allocation of power and resources, which could serve to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor..

  • How did the Chinese civil service exam influence Chinese cultural values ideas and education?

    The Chinese civil service exams influenced China's culture by instilling the idea that to be smart and successful you must be able to memorize things quickly and accurately.
    The ideal child would be able to memorize 700 characters a day and retain that information..

  • How did the civil service examinations and the scholar official class shape Chinese society and culture?

    The exams served to ensure a common knowledge of writing, Chinese classics, and literary style among state officials.
    This common culture helped to unify the empire, and the ideal of achievement by merit gave legitimacy to imperial rule..

  • What was the purpose of the Chinese civil service examinations?

    The broad purpose of the civil service examinations was to select a pool of viable candidates who were all trained in the same Confucian classics to be appointed as imperial officials at various locations and positions..

  • The broad purpose of the civil service examinations was to select a pool of viable candidates who were all trained in the same Confucian classics to be appointed as imperial officials at various locations and positions.
  • The Tang dynasty (618–907) created a system of local schools where scholars could pursue their studies.
    Those desiring to enter the upper levels of the bureaucracy then competed in the jinshi exams, which tested a candidate's knowledge of the Confucian Classics.
4.5/5Goodreads In this multidimensional analysis, Benjamin A. Elman uses over a thousand newly available examination records from the Yuan, Ming, and Ch'ing dynasties, 1315-1904, to explore the social, political, and cultural dimensions of the civil examination Google BooksOriginally published: 2000Author: Benjamin A. Elman
A Cultural History of Civil Examinations in Late Imperial. China by Benjamin A. Elman. Berkeley: University of California. Press, 2000. Pp. xlii + 847. $75.00 


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