Cultural history definition

  • What is the meaning of historical culture?

    The concept of Historical Culture and its cognates in other languages (such as cultura hist\xf3rica, Geschichtskultur, Culture historique) expresses a new way of approaching and understanding the effective and affective relationship that a human group has with the past, with its own past..

What is a historical history?

specifically : a history treating one or a number of historic world cultures as an integrated unit for purposes of cross comparison with others and for analysis of the forces presumed to be in operation as regards cultural growth, development, fruition, and decay
×Cultural history is a discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings through the social, cultural, and political milieu of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors. It is an effort to inhabit the minds of the people of different worlds. Jacob Burckhardt helped found cultural history as a discipline.,Cultural history records and interprets past events involving human beings through the social, cultural, and political milieu of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors. Jacob Burckhardt (1818–1897) helped found cultural history as a discipline.Cultural history is an effort to inhabit the minds of the people of different worlds.
Cultural history definition
Cultural history definition

Project to define free content

The Definition of Free Cultural Works evaluates and recommends compatible free content licenses.

Text definition of the term 'open' in the context of open content and open data

The Open Definition is a document published by the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) to define openness in relation to data and content.
It specifies what licences for such material may and may not stipulate, in order to be considered open licences.
The definition itself was derived from the Open Source Definition for software.


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