Cultural background definition in french

  • What is the word culture in French?

    More French words for culture. la culture noun. farming, education, enlightenment, reading. la civilisation noun. civilization..

  • cultures différentes pl f
    On my travels, I came across many different cultures.
    Au cours de mes voyages, j'ai croisé de nombreuses cultures différentes.

What is a cultural background?

Whenever a group of people spends an extended period of time together, that group develops a culture

Each of us comes from a cultural background, and we have beliefs, values, and behaviors that result from that background

In our workplaces, we will encounter many different types of people coming from diverse cultural backgrounds

What is French culture?

France culture embraces gastronomy with a passion, elevating every meal to a symphony of flavors and textures that dance upon the taste buds

French cuisine speaks of expression and passion; and much socialising is done around lengthy meals and is completelly part of the French culture and traditions

Translation of "cultural background" in French Noun contexte culturel m milieu culturel bagage culturel origine culturelle f héritage culturel(relating to customs and cultures) [heritage, history] culturel (le) → a deep sense of personal honor which was part of his cultural heritage [differences, diversity, change] culturel (le) → These cultural differences have existed for decades. → the cultural diversity of EuropeTranslation of "background culturale" in English Noun cultural background Molti musicisti compiono le loro performance fuori dal loro background culturale. Several musicians accomplish their performances outside of their cultural background.cultural background - Traduction française – Linguee The school welcomes pupils from all social and cultural backgrounds. L'école accueille des élèves de tous milieux culturels et sociaux.


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