Cultural career

  • How does culture impact career?

    In conclusion, culture plays a significant role in shaping individual career choices and aspirations.
    It influences our values, norms, and perceptions about work, success, and gender roles, and can impact the education and training opportunities that we have access to..

  • How does society impact your career choices?

    Social and cultural factors play an insignificant role.
    Career chosen under the influence of cultural or social pressure may adversely affect the career choice.
    Should our decision of choosing a career be based on 'interest' or 'outcomes after career' OR 'growing fields in future'?.

  • What is an example of a cultural work?

    Cultural works are examples of human, artistic expression including literature, poetry, music, film, dance, painting, sculpture, and more..

  • What is culture in career choice?

    Culture significantly influences individual career choices and aspirations by shaping values, norms, and perceptions about work.
    Culture, in its broadest sense, refers to the shared beliefs, values, norms, and practices of a particular group of people..

  • For instance, people in individualist cultures prefer to pursue goals that are directed at achiev- ing personal success, seeking social independence, and influencing and persuad- ing others, whereas people in collectivist cultures prefer to pursue goals that are directed at achieving success of one's group, seeking
Career Options in Culture and ExpressionLegislative AideLibrarianLocal HistorianLobbyistMarketing DirectorMedia CorrespondentMediatorĀ 
This suggests that culture may interact with work and career in two ways. First, culture helps to influence individuals' views of what types of work areĀ 

Demographic Diversity of Work

The workforce in the United States has become increasingly more racially and ethnically diverse

Culture and Career Development Theories

The statistics discussed above indicate that the educational and occupational landscapes are not equal. Culture, or membership in a racial/ethnic minority group

Aspirations, Interests, and Career Choice

As noted earlier, it is clear that there are differences in the occupations into which different racial/ethnic groups enter

Barriers and Supports

Some researchers have examined the career dreams or interests of individuals


The role of culture in careers is complex, and researchers have only begun to study various factors that explain differences between groups

How does culture influence careers?

Culture influences careers in a number of ways

Since individuals work within a context shaped by the culture of the organization and the individuals within that organization, culture influences the type of work that is done, the rewards for various types of work, and the types of interaction that are valued

What are the different types of cultural industries?

Cultural industries: record companies, labels, film and audiovisual companies (producer, distributor, etc

); Private companies outside the cultural field (banks, real estate groups, etc

) that promote arts and culture

What can I do with a Cultural Policy & Management degree?

Many of our Cultural Policy and Management graduates go on to take up senior roles in companies, institutions, foundations and non-profit organisations in the cultural sector

Here are some examples of organisations that may be of interest to Cultural Policy and Management students


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