Cultural history definition geography

Cultural geography is a subfield within human geography. Rather than studying pre-determined regions based upon environmental classifications, culturalĀ 
Cultural geography is a subfield within human geography.Geographers drawing on this tradition see cultures and societies as developing out of their localĀ 


Cultural geography is a subfield within human geography


Some of the topics within the field of study are globalization has been theorised as an explanation for cultural convergence


Though the first traces of the study of different nations and cultures on Earth can be dated back to ancient geographers such as Ptolemy or Strabo

Ongoing evolution of cultural geography

Since the 1980s, a "new cultural geography" has emerged, drawing on a diverse set of theoretical traditions


Academic peer reviewed journals which are primarily focused on cultural geography or which contain articles that contribute to the area

How did cultural geography develop?

Cultural geography developed out of the University of California, Berkeley and was led by Carl Sauer

He used landscapes as the defining unit of geographic study and said that cultures develop because of the landscape but also help to develop the landscape as well

What is cultural history based on?

Material culture: methodologically, cultural history relied to a considerable extent on typologizing artifacts

Everything from techniques of mummification and architectural styles to types of domesticated animals, dyeing techniques, weapons, and tools were used as indicators of cultural diffusion

What is the history of geography?

The historyof geography is the history of thinking about the concepts of environments, places, and spaces

Its content covers an understanding of the physical reality we occupy and our transformations of environments into places that we find more comfortable to inhabit (although many such modifications often have negative long-term impacts)

Historical geography seeks to determine how cultural features of various societies across the planet emerged and evolved by understanding their interaction with their local environment and surroundings.


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