Cultural history example in the philippines

  • What is an example of a cultural tradition in the Philippines?

    Giving Respect to Elders by “Pagmamano”
    Respecting elders is a distinctive tradition in every Filipino family.
    Young Filipinos frequently show their respect for the elderly by making the “pagmamano” gesture.
    The elder does this by lightly striking the young person's forehead with his or her right hand..

  • What is the cultural background of the Philippines?

    The Filipino people have a distinct Asian background, with a strong Western tradition.
    The modern Filipino culture developed through influence from Chinease traders, Spanish conquistadors, and American rulers.
    Filipino people tend to be very hospitable, especially to Western visitors (1)..

  • There are three major cultures that impacted the Filipino culture heavily: Chinese, Spanish, and American.
    History played a critical role in the evolution of Filipino cultural life affecting their character and how they think and act.
The culture of the Philippines comprises a blend of traditional Filipino and Spanish Catholic traditions, with influences from America and other parts of Asia.
The culture of the Philippines is characterized by cultural and ethnic diversity. Although the multiple ethnic groups of the Philippine archipelago have  HistoryGeography and ethnic groupsArtsReligion

The Capture of Emilio Aguinaldo by U.S Troops in 1901

Philippine revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by U.S. troops during the Philippine War

The Invasion of The Philippines by The Japanese

Japan launched an attack on the Philippines on 1941, just ten hours after their attack on Pearl Harbor

The Liberation of The Philippines from Japanese

Gen. MacArthur, who had promised to return, landed in Leyte in 1944

The Philippines Independence Day 1946

This was a big international event. Though the Philippines did not yet have a Department of Foreign Affairs

The Plaza Miranda Bombings and 1972 Manila Bombings

On August 21, 1971, while the opposition (Liberal Party) was having their mitting de advance in Plaza Miranda, two fragmentation grenades exploded

The Proclamation of Martial Law

Martial law was lifted by President Marcos on January 17, 1981, through Proclamation 2045

The Assassination’S of Political Rival of Late Dictator Ferdinand Marcos

Aquino Jr. popularly known as Ninoy, was a prominent political rival of the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos

The Southern Leyte Mudslide in Philippines IN2006

In 2006, a massive rock slide-debris avalanche occurred in the Philippine province of Southern Leyte. It caused widespread damage and loss of life

Fate of Terror-Raided Unknown Targets

Philippine Commandos Killed in Raid Over Suspected Terrorist


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