History of online learning

  • eLearning involves using primarily the internet and one or more other technologies involving one/two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices or audio/video conferencing.
However, one of the first instances of online learning in the world can be traced back to 1960, at the University of Illinois, USA. Though the internet wasn't invented back then, students began learning from computer terminals that were interlinked to form a network.
Though it may seem that online education had its beginnings in the late 1900s, the concept of distance learning first came into practice in the mid 19th 

What is the most important invention in the history of online learning?

Perhaps the most significant invention in the history of online learning technology is the PLATO

The PLATO is a computer system designed by Donald L

Bitzer in 1960, and it was groundbreaking for its time

When did online learning start?

The technology boom of the mid-1980s is most remembered for the first personal computer, but that era also saw another important creation: online learning

Back then, it was sparsely used, mostly by business executives and a few postsecondary institutions

Who pioneered online education?

This image illustrates the works of some of the early pioneers of online education: The Open University in Britain was one of the first universities in the world to begin online distance learning, in the early 1990s

  • 1960 – the Internet was developed at Illinois University as a system for providing access to students to study materials and recorded audio lectures. ...
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A Brief Timeline of Online Education

  • — 1982 The Western Behavioral Sciences Institute uses computer conferencing to provide a distance education program for business executives.
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