A cultural history of disability in antiquity

  • Social group books

    Religions of the Past a

An essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of history, literature, culture and education, A Cultural History of Disability in Antiquity explores such themes and topics as: atypical bodies; mobility impairment; chronic pain and illness; blindness; deafness; speech; learning difficulties; and mental

How did the medieval era help people with disability?

The people, religious institutions and towns and cities of the medieval period were pioneers in terms ofproviding a specialised response to disability

Only a small number of their buildings remain, but over the next 500 years their early professional approach would eventually develop into our modern system of public services

What do we know about disability history?

This volume is a major contribution to the field of disability history in the ancient world

Contributions from leading international scholars examine deformity and disability from a variety of historical, sociological and theoretical perspectives, as represented in various media

What is disability culture?

Disability culture, the sum total of behaviours, beliefs, ways of living, and material artifacts that are unique to persons affected by disability

Particular definitions of culture take many different forms and are context-bound (dependent on the cultural and geographic context in which they are

Ancient Romans with disabilities were recorded in the personal, medical, and legal writing of the period.
While some disabled people were sought as slaves, others with disabilities that are now recognized by modern medicine were not considered disabled.
Some disabilities were deemed more acceptable than others, either as honorable characteristics or as traits that increased morality.
Small, scattered medical references contain the only direct acknowledgments of disability.
This is a list of books in the series Studies in the Social History of Medicine.
The series was produced by the Society for the Social History of Medicine and Tavistock, later Routledge, between 1989 and 2009.
It totalled 37 volumes.


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