A cultural history of hair in antiquity

  • In many cultures, hair is viewed as a symbol of femininity or masculinity, with societal norms dictating how men and women should style their hair.
    For example, in some cultures, men are expected to have short hair, while women are expected to have long hair.
    Hair can also be a significant symbol of religious identity.

How did people style their hair in the 19th century?

Both men and women wore their hair long, often braided or in curls

Women also wore their braids pinned to the head and also incorporated knots and buns in their hairstyles

What topics are covered in a cultural history of hair?

The chapters in A Cultural History of Hair in Antiquity cover the following topics: religion and ritualized belief, self and society, fashion and adornment, production and practice, health and hygiene, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, class and social status, and cultural representations


What was hair like after the fifth century BCE?

After the fifth Century BCE there were a number of possibilities including buns, headbands, scarves, and hair covers

During Hellenic times the hair was artificially waved and curled

Instances of Hair in the Poet Sappho


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