Socio cultural history of india

  • The field of sociocultural history covers many domains: it concerns cultural and societal history, with attention being paid to political, economic, social and cultural aspects in society.

The economy

Cultivation was still carried out by the peasants, generally Shudras, who remained tied to the land

Social mobility

Historians once believed that the post-Gupta period brought greater rigidity in the caste structure and that this rigidity was partially responsible for


The local nucleus of the new culture led to a large range of religious expression

Literature and the arts

It was also in the matha (monastery) and the ghatika (assembly hall), attached to the temples

The Delhi sultanate

The decline of the Ghaznavids after 1100 was accentuated by the sack of Ghazna by the rival Shansabānīs of Ghūr in 1150–51. The Ghūrids

The Turkish conquest

By 1186 the Ghūrids had destroyed the remnants of Ghaznavid power in the northwest and were in a favourable military position to

What is historical sociology in India?

Notably, in a recent survey of historical sociology in India, Dhanagare ( 2007a, 2007b) positioned historical sociology as a method to unravel the present - by looking at the past to explain the forces underpinning the present - and documents the use of history by sociologists in India

Why is sociology in India inauthentic?

Scholars like Momin argued that sociology in India is inauthentic due to the colonial transplantation of the discipline and the subsequent Americanization of the method and techniques

They wanted to rethink conceptual categories in the wake of Indian experiences and contexts

These observers mooted a historical and comparative approach


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