Cultural significance of persepolis

  • How does Persepolis relate to today?

    The Revolution in 1979 – detailed in Persepolis – provides a lesson for revolutionaries today regarding what not to do after successfully overthrowing a government..

  • What culture is represented in Persepolis?

    The Complete Persepolis is more than a memoir that describes the author's personal story and her own sentiment; it is also an epitome of Iranian society that involves different social aspects including gender, social class, education, religion, and political issues..

  • What is the cultural significance of Persepolis?

    Renowned as the gem of Achaemenid (Persian) ensembles in the fields of architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art, the royal city of Persepolis ranks among the archaeological sites which have no equivalent and which bear unique witness to a most ancient civilization..

  • What is the significance behind Persepolis?

    Intensely personal, profoundly political, and wholly original, Persepolis is at once a story of growing up and a reminder of the human cost of war and political repression.
    It shows how we carry on, with laughter and tears, in the face of absurdity..

  • What is the significance of religion in Persepolis?

    The role of religion in Persepolis is to guide the reader through the different stages of Marji's life, showing the changes in her perspective on herself, her community, and social justice.
    From the very start of Persepolis, Marji's faith is wrapped up in her political upbringing..

  • What is the significance of the Persepolis?

    Persepolis, a Greek toponym meaning “city of the Persians”, was known to the Persians as Pārsa and was an important city of the ancient world, renowned for its monumental art and architecture.
    The site was excavated by German archaeologists Ernst Herzfeld, Friedrich Krefter, and Erich Schmidt between 1931 and 1939..

  • Why is Persepolis a World Heritage Site?

    Persepolis is one of the three properties included in the World Heritage List in 1979, belonging to the Achaemanid dynasty and is the most complete architectural form and city planning of this period.
    This property had been not only a political center but also a religious one..

  • Persepolis uses positive and negative symbolism to provide imagery to the different parts of the protagonist Marji's life when she was young.
    She uses the bread swan to symbolize seeing a lightness even in dark times, her bed as her mind and thoughts, and the cigarette as rebellion.
  • Satrapi was born in Rasht, Iran.
    She grew up in Tehran in an upper-middle class Iranian family and attended the French-language school, Lycée Razi.
    Both her parents were politically active and supported leftist causes against the monarchy of the last Shah.
  • The Revolution in 1979 – detailed in Persepolis – provides a lesson for revolutionaries today regarding what not to do after successfully overthrowing a government.
Oct 21, 2014The cultural differences in Persepolis is powerful in showing Satrapi's personal identities and thoughts, which makes the novel engaging. I am 
Renowned as the gem of Achaemenid (Persian) ensembles in the fields of architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art, the royal city of Persepolis ranks among the archaeological sites which have no equivalent and which bear unique witness to a most ancient civilization.
Persepolis was the seat of government of the Achaemenid Empire, though it was designed primarily to be a showplace and spectacular centre for the receptions and festivals of the kings and their empire.

What is Persepolis known for?

Persepolis is among the world’s most acknowledged and renowned architectural sites

It was the capital of the ancient King Achaemenian dynasty and was considered as the gem of the architectural sites of that time

UNESCO took the site under its world heritage in 1979

It is situated about 30miles northeast from the city of Shiraz

When was Persepolis built?

The earliest remains of Persepolis date back to 515 BC

The city was constructed during the reign of Cyrus the Great and Darius I

It was largely used for ceremonial purposes and was a burial ground to seven rulers of the Achaemenian Empire

Darius I made Persepolis the new capital of the Persian Empire

Why was Persepolis important to the Achaemenid Empire?

Persepolis was the seat of government of the Achaemenid Empire, though it was designed primarily to be a showplace and spectacular centre for the receptions and festivals of the kings and their empire

×Persepolis is an important archaeological site today because it represents the ancient and sophisticated civilization of the Persian Empire. It was founded in 518 BC by Darius the Great and served as the ceremonial capital for over 200 years. It showcases the achievements of the Persians in architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art. It is also a source of pride and cultural identity for Iranians who are descendants of this great empire.,Renowned as the gem of Achaemenid (Persian) ensembles in the fields of architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art, the royal city of Persepolis ranks among the archaeological sites which have no equivalent and which bear unique witness to a most ancient civilization.Today, it is among the world’s greatest archaeological sites, bearing witness to the sophisticated fields of architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art that characterised the ancient and sophisticated civilisation.Persepolis, the ancient Persian capital founded in 518 BC, is a remarkable archaeological site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It functioned as the ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire for over 200 years and was used for royal receptions and celebrations.Despite the negative attention Iran receives in mass media, Persepolis continues to act as a reminder of one of the most powerful empires and is a source of pride for Iranians who remember that they are descendants of these past great leaders and this most civil of ancient civilizations.Persepolis's ancient complex was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979 and is one of the important tourist attractions of Fars province. Persepolis is a part of Iran's ancient history and culture, built by the order of Darius the Great in 518 BC.,The Persian history is also known as the Iranian history has its roots spread in the Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Damascus, etc
Cultural significance of persepolis
Cultural significance of persepolis

Overview of the culture of Tehran, Iran

The culture of Tehran concerns the arts, music, museums, festivals, many Persian entertainments and sports activities in Tehran, the capital city of Iran.
Iranian festivals are held throughout the year by the people of Tehran, which can be attractive to tourists.
Persepolis Administrative Archives

Persepolis Administrative Archives

Clay administrative archives found in Persepolis dating to the Achaemenid Persian Empire

The Persepolis Fortification Archive and Persepolis Treasury Archive are two groups of clay administrative archives — sets of records physically stored together – found in Persepolis dating to the Achaemenid Persian Empire.
The discovery was made during legal excavations conducted by the archaeologists from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago in the 1930s.
Hence they are named for their in situ findspot: Persepolis.
The archaeological excavations at Persepolis for the Oriental Institute were initially directed by Ernst Herzfeld from 1931 to 1934 and carried on from 1934 until 1939 by Erich Schmidt.


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