Cultural background of malaysia

  • Is Malaysia a country with cultural diversity?

    A multiracial and multicultural nation in which Malays, Indians, Chinese and people of various other ethnicities live together in peace and harmony.
    Our diversity of cultures makes Malaysia not only a food lover's haven but also one of the few countries with hundreds of celebrations and festivals all-year round..

  • What are the 5 culture in Malaysia?

    Within Malaysian society there is a Malay culture, a Chinese culture, an Indian culture, a Eurasian culture, along with the cultures of the indigenous groups of the peninsula and north Borneo.
    A unified Malaysian culture is something only emerging in the country..

  • What are the beliefs of the Malay culture?

    Malays strictly observe the four pillars of Islam: prayer, fasting, distribution of alms and, if they can afford it, pilgrimage to Mecca.
    However, even fundamental tenets of Islam are subject to local interpretations..

  • What is the background of the Malaysian culture?

    The people of Malaysia are a mosaic of Chinese, Indian and native Malay influence.
    The Malays make up the largest ethnic group, and tend to practice both Islamic and Malay traditions, and speak in the native Malay language..

  • What is the race and culture in Malaysia?

    The largest group of Malaysians consist of three main races, namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
    Orang Asli are the natives in Peninsular Malaysia and is generally divided into three major groups, namely the Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay..

  • Malays strictly observe the four pillars of Islam: prayer, fasting, distribution of alms and, if they can afford it, pilgrimage to Mecca.
    However, even fundamental tenets of Islam are subject to local interpretations.
  • Malaysians are rich with traditional heritage that still exist such as traditional games, for example, batu Seremban, congkak, Dam Haji and others.
    Furthermore, the martial art is one of the customs that existed centuries ago.
  • What are cultural traditions? Cultural traditions are defined as the practices, beliefs, customs, and habits that are passed down from generation to generation within a particular society.
Malaysia is a multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as large populations of Chinese, and Indians. When visiting the country it is clear that the ethnicities retain their religions, customs and way of life.


The culture of Malaysia draws on the varied cultures of the different people of Malaysia


Traditional Malaysian art is mainly centred on the crafts of carving, weaving, and silversmithing


Architecture in Malaysia is a combination of many styles, from Islamic and Chinese styles to those brought by European colonists


Traditional Malay music and performing arts appear to have originated in the Kelantan- Pattani region


The strong oral tradition that has existed since before the arrival of writing to what is now Malaysia continues today

What influenced Malaysia's culture?

Indigenous tribes, Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all contributed to the culture of the country

Significant influences of Persian, British, and Arabic cultures are also be seen in Malaysian culture


Ethnicity, Language, and Religion in Malaysia Statue of hindu god Murugan at Batu cave in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What is the ethnicity of Malaysia?

Ethnicity, Language, and Religion in Malaysia Statue of hindu god Murugan at Batu cave in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Image credit: S-F/Shutterstock com Malaysia has a large population of around 31,809,660 individuals

The ethnic Malays and indigenous peoples of the country together represent around 61

7% of the population

What religions live in Malaysia?

Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and practitioners of Chinese indigenous religions coexist peacefully in the country

With distinct pockets and neighbourhoods of temples, mosques, Buddhist shrines, Chinese temples, and churches, the culture of Malaysia is home to several places of worship where one can find peace and serenity

The Southeast Asian country of Malaysia has great cultural diversity. Indigenous tribes, Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all contributed to the culture of the country. Significant influences of Persian, British, and Arabic cultures are also be seen in Malaysian culture.

Modern Malaysia is characterized as a melting pot. Aspects from ancient Malay, British, Dutch, Portuguese, and Hindu culture still prevail throughout many parts of the country, which has led to vast diversity in local architecture, religion, language, and cuisine.

Chinese and Indian cultural influences made their mark when trade began with those countries, and increased with immigration to Malaysia. Other cultures that heavily influenced that of Malaysia include Persian, Arabic, British.

Malaysian Culture and Society

  • A Multi-Cultural Society Malaysia is a multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as large populations of Chinese, and Indians. ...

Ethnic group in Malaysia

Africans in Malaysia or African Malaysians, are people of full or partial African descent who were born in or immigrated to Malaysia.
Immigration from Africa to Malaysia is only a recent phenomenon, with Europe and the rest of Asia traditionally being the largest sources of migration to Malaysia.


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