Cultural significance of mid autumn festival

  • What is important about the Mid-Autumn Festival?

    It is an evening celebration where families gather together to light lanterns, eat moon cakes and appreciate the round moon.
    The full moon is a symbol for family reunion, which is why that day is also known as the Festival of Reunion.
    The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back more than 2,000 years..

  • What is the cultural value of the Mid-Autumn Festival?

    Cultural values are a culture's core beliefs about what's good or right.
    We all have cultural values.
    These are sometimes called 'cultural value preferences'.
    They're informed by the cultures we most associate ourselves with.
    These values are neither positive nor negative - they're just differences..

  • What is the Mid-Autumn Festival a traditional celebration?

    The Mid-Autumn Festival known as “Tet Trung Thu” in Vietnam is one of the biggest holidays in our country and it is traditionally held on the 15th day of the 8th Lunar month.
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most popular festivals in Vietnam, and has been significant to Vietnamese families for many years..

  • What is the significance of Mid-Autumn Festival?

    The day of the Mid-autumn Festival is traditionally thought to be auspicious for weddings, as the moon goddess is believed to extend conjugal bliss to couples.
    The festival started more than 2,000 years ago as a post-autumn harvest celebration, which was devoted to thanking the gods..

  • The Moon Festival legend about Hou Yi and Chang E is always told to children at this time.
    Once upon a time, there were ten suns in the sky, scorching many crops and people to death.
    The Emperor of Heaven summoned Hou Yi to shoot down nine of the suns.
    Hou Yi s쳮ded, the weather soon recovered and life was saved.
  • The mooncake is not just a food.
    It's a profound cultural tradition deep in Chinese people's hearts, symbolizing a spiritual feeling.
    At Mid-Autumn Festival people eat mooncakes together with family, or present mooncakes to relatives or friends, to express love and best wishes.
In China, the Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes the family reunion and on this day, all families will appreciate the Moon in the evening, because it is the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, when the moon is at its fullest.
The day of the Mid-autumn Festival is traditionally thought to be auspicious for weddings, as the moon goddess is believed to extend conjugal bliss to couples. The festival started more than 2,000 years ago as a post-autumn harvest celebration, which was devoted to thanking the gods.
The festival was a time to enjoy the successful reaping of rice and wheat with food offerings made in honor of the moon. Today, it is still an occasion for outdoor reunions among friends and relatives to eat mooncakes and watch the Moon, a symbol of harmony and unity.

What is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known by other names, such as: Moon Festival or Harvest Moon Festival, because of the celebration's association with the full moon on this night, as well as the traditions of moon worship and moon viewing

What is the story behind the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Since that very first recorded Mid-Autumn Festival, it has become tradition to give offerings to the moon

The central legend associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival is that of Chang-e

There are many versions to this story but we will tell only one of them, which includes aspects from numerous versions of the well-known legend

Why do Chinese celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?

"A system of cultural symbols with the Mid-Autumn Festival at its core has been formed by the various customs of the Chinese ethnic groups," said Lin Jifu, a professor at Minzu University of China "The festival also helps set up a cultural pedigree of the Chinese nation based on daily lives "
In modern times, people mainly celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival as a time for family reunions. It is said that a full moon on this day is at its brightest and roundest, which has come to symbolize the need for a family reunion. Because of this centralized theme of having family reunions, the festival typically evokes ...In modern times, people mainly celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival as a time for family reunions. It is said the moon on this day is the brightest and roundest, which has come to mean family reunion. Because of the central theme of family reunion, sometimes the festival evokes comparison to Thanksgiving in the U.S.Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families reunion. During the festival, family members will try their best to go back home and get together with their parents, no matter how far from home. This tradition is much like Thanksgiving in the United States.Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The story goes that on this night, both the moon in the sky and the moon in a person’s home hold special significance. In ancient China, people would use round objects such as oranges to represent the moon and then ...It was described as a day for emperors to celebrate the year's harvest by giving offerings to the moon and hosting a great feast. Today, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an incredibly important family gathering -- it's when "people and the moon reunite to form a full circle," as an old saying goes. Chang'e: The moon festival ...


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