Cultural studies and media

  • What is cultural studies approach to media?

    In opposition to media effects research, cultural studies research involves interpreting written and visual “texts” or artifacts as symbolic representations that contain cultural, historical, and political meaning..

  • The Culturalist Theory argues that while the ruling class plays a significant role in shaping mass media content through large corporations, the audiences still have the agency to choose which content to consume and interpret media messages in different ways.

Contact Hours

For a student studying full time

Programme Aims

The programme aims to: 1. develop your capacity to learn and undertake critical analysis in cultural studies and media 2

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding You gain a knowledge and understanding of: 1

What is media culture in cultural studies?

For cul-tural studies, media culture provides thematerials for constructing views of theworld, behavior, and even identities

Thosewho uncritically follow the dictates of mediaculture tend to “mainstream” themselves,conforming to the dominant fashion,values, and behavior

Why is cultural studies a critical media pedagogy?

Cultural studies is thus part of a critical media pedagogy that enables indi- viduals to resist media manipulation and increase their freedom and individuality

It can empower people to gain sovereignty over their culture and struggle for alterna- tive cultures and political change

Why should I study Media Theory & Cultural Studies at Sussex?

At Sussex, we have a thriving research culture in media theory and cultural studies

This Masters offers you an opportunity to understand and question forms of communication and culture in the contemporary world

We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision

Cultural studies shows how media culture articulates the dominant values, political ideologies, and social developments and novelties of the era. It conceives of U.S. culture and society as a contested terrain, with various groups and ideologies strug- gling for dominance (Kellner, 1995, 2010).

The School of Media and Cultural Studies, (SMCS) is a part of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India, engaged in media teaching, film production, research and dissemination.
The school was in the news recently because some of their students produced a documentary film Caste on the Menu Card which was not given permission to screen.
Cultural studies and media
Cultural studies and media

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