Articulation in cultural studies examples

  • How is articulation relevant to culture?

    In sociology, articulation labels the process by which particular classes appropriate cultural forms and practices for their own use.
    The term appears to have originated from the work of Antonio Gramsci, specifically from his conception of superstructure..

  • What is articulation in cultural studies?

    Articulation is a process of making notional and communicative links.
    It means not only the way some senses dominate the other, become more notable and important, but also coordinating interests of all the discursive actors..

  • What is articulation in doing cultural studies?

    the role of articulation in cultural studies is thus to map that play of forces, in other words, to track its development genealogically.
    Articulation is an 'old word' and predates cultural studies by several centuries..

  • What is culture articulating?

    In sociology, articulation labels the process by which particular classes appropriate cultural forms and practices for their own use.
    The term appears to have originated from the work of Antonio Gramsci, specifically from his conception of superstructure.
    Chantal Mouffe, Stuart Hall, and others have adopted or used it..

  • Articulation is the act of expressing something in a coherent verbal form, or an aspect of pronunciation involving the articulatory organs.
Articulation is used as a method of cultural studies. Yet, it isn`t some definite pattern or algorithm that we can just lay on a researched object or 
The articulation theory is based on. Marxist framework, though it argues the reduction of culture to basis and superstructure. «In theorizing this space, a 

What is a traditional articulation approach?

The traditional approach works well with students with a few articulation errors especially if they are developmental in nature

One sound is worked on at a time

The is a progression of the sound from the syllable level, to the single syllable words, to phrases, sentences and then conversation

One position is worked on at a time

What is an example of articulation?

Examples of this form of articulation are found in the hip, where the round head of the femur (ball) rests in the cup-like acetabulum (socket) of the pelvis, and in the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, where the rounded head of the humerus (ball) rests in the cup-like glenoid fossa (socket) of the shoulder blade

Why is articulation important in Marxism?

It helps to understand that articulation came out of Marxist theory as a way of avoiding “reductionism” (i


, explaining everything as the cause of only one thing; in Marxism traditionally everything in the world happened because of class, class struggle and economic struggle)

In sociology, articulation labels the process by which particular classes appropriate cultural forms and practices for their own use.
The term appears to have originated from the work of Antonio Gramsci, specifically from his conception of superstructure.
Chantal Mouffe, Stuart Hall, and others have adopted or used it.


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