Religion and society exams

  • VCE Religious Education – Avila College.
    The study of Religious Education is compulsory for each year of study at Avila College.
    Year 11 students may choose one of the following units, all of which will run for the whole year: Religion and Society Unit 2.

How many pages in Aqa 'beliefs in society'?

In colour! 52 Pages of revision notes covering the entire AQA ‘beliefs in society’ specification: from perspectives on religion, organisations, class, gender ethnicity and age and secularisation, globalisation and fundamentalism

Three 10 mark ‘outline and explain’ practice exam questions and model answers

What is the evidence for secularisation?

Evidence for secularisation – outlining the statistics on religious belonging, belief and behaviour

Rationalisation, Disenchantment and secularisation – some theorists of secularization argue that modernity and the growth of science, reason and bureaucracy have killed off religion

This post provides more details on these theories

When will a new VCE religion and society study design be implemented?

Religion and Society Page Content Examination specifications and sample materials Examination specifications(Version 2, January 2023) Sample questions(January 2023) Past examinations and examination reports Examinations relating to the current study design A new VCE Religion and Society study designwill be implemented in 2023

The relationship between religion and social class – class notes on how religious practice and belief varies by social class
The 2008 Constitution of Maldives designates Sunni Islam as the state religion.
Only Sunni Muslims are allowed to hold citizenship in the country and citizens may practice Sunni Islam only.
Non-Muslim citizens of other nations can practice their faith only in private and are barred from evangelizing or propagating their faith.
All residents are required to teach their children the Muslim faith.
The president, ministers, parliamentarians, and chiefs of the atolls are required to be Sunni Muslims.
Government regulations are based on Islamic law.
Only certified Muslim scholars can give fatawa.
Freedom of religion in Mauritania is limited by the Government.
The constitution establishes the country as an Islamic republic and decrees that Islam is the religion of its citizens and the State.
Religion and society exams
Religion and society exams
Christianity is the predominant religion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with Catholicism and Protestantism being its main denominations.


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