Reforming society quizlet

  • How did religion lead to reform during the Second Great Awakening?

    The Second Great Awakening, which spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching, sparked a number of reform movements.
    Revivals were a key part of the movement and attracted hundreds of converts to new Protestant denominations.
    The Methodist Church used circuit riders to reach people in frontier locations..

  • How did the Second Great Awakening attempt to reform society?

    Marked by a wave of enthusiastic religious revivals, the Second Great Awakening set the stage for equally enthusiastic social reform movements, especially abolitionism and temperance. choose to reject sin and instead to live morally up- standing lives.
    He also urged them to help others..

  • In what ways was the drive to reform all of society inspired by the Second Great Awakening quizlet?

    How did the Second Great Awakening foster the rise of reform movements? The Second Great Awakening spread the belief that every person could be saved through revivals, repentance, and conversion.
    Emphasis placed on morality inspired reforms involving temperance, abolition, and women's rights..

  • What is a reform quizlet?

    To change or to improve..

  • What is the definition of reform quizlet?

    To change or to improve..

  • Why did reformers set out to improve education in the United States?

    From 1894 to 1915, the goals of Progressive reformers influenced education in the United States, since education was seen as a way to teach children the proper values needed to be a productive American citizen..

  • From 1894 to 1915, the goals of Progressive reformers influenced education in the United States, since education was seen as a way to teach children the proper values needed to be a productive American citizen.
  • How did the Second Great Awakening foster the rise of reform movements? The Second Great Awakening spread the belief that every person could be saved through revivals, repentance, and conversion.
    Emphasis placed on morality inspired reforms involving temperance, abolition, and women's rights.
  • In addition to preparing students for citizenship and work, education was seen by some reformers as a means for people to achieve happiness and fulfillment.
    Common schools were also proposed as a way to promote cohesion across social classes and improve social outcomes.

How did reformers respond to the inequalities of the Gilded Age?

During the Gilded Age there were a number of reformers and reform movements that attempted to solve the problems posed by urban and industrial life

So let's talk about some of the ways that reformers attempted to respond to the inequalities of the Gilded Age

One was to suggest new economic systems for the United States

How did the Social Gospel movement change society?

This Social Gospel movement as it was known led to the establishment of missions in urban areas and churches opened libraries gymnasiums and classrooms for public use

Some reformers focused their energies on the physical setting of cities believing that the squalor of dirty streets and tenements depressed people and encouraged moral decay

Is socialism a government system?

In the video, the instructor states that socialism is "a system in which the government, not private individuals owns economic enterprises," yet the Wikipedia (and other) definitions of socialism all mention "social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management of enterprises," but no government


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