Society during harsha period

  • What is the significance of Harsha?

    The reign of Harsha is historically important because of the visit of the Chinese pilgrim Hsuan Tsang.
    Nalanda was the most famous centre of Buddhism, which maintained a great Buddhist university meant for Buddhist monks.
    Nalanda had a huge monastic establishment during the reign of Harshavardhana..

  • What religion did Harsha follow?

    Xuanzang depicts the emperor as a convinced Mahayana Buddhist, though in the earlier part of his reign Harsha appears to have supported orthodox Hinduism.
    He is described as a model ruler—benevolent, energetic, just, and active in the administration and prosperity of his empire..

  • What was Harsha's religious policy?

    Harsha was eclectic in his religious views and practices.
    He was a devotee of Lord Shiva but later converted.
    He had prohibited non-vegetarian food and also animal sacrifices in his empire.
    He built several Stupas in the prominent places of Buddhism or on the banks of Ganga River..

  • What was the contribution of Harsha?

    Harsha established an empire that brought all of northern India under his rule.
    The peace and prosperity that prevailed made his court a centre of cosmopolitanism, attracting scholars, artists and religious visitors from far and wide..

  • What was the kingdom of Harsha?

    Harsha is called the last great Hindu emperor of India, but he was neither a staunch Hindu nor the ruler of the whole country.
    His authority was limited to north India excluding Kashmir.
    Rajasthan, Punjab, UP, Bihar, and Orissa were under his direct control, but his sphere of influence spread over a much wider area..

  • What was the life and achievements of Harsha?

    Harsha supported art as well as education.
    He was also an author, having written three Sanskrit plays, Ratnavali, Nagananda, and Priyadarshika.
    Scholars received a quarter of his earnings.
    Furthermore, the famous Nalanda University was at its peak during Harsha's reign..

  • What was the Society of Harshavardhana?

    Society and Economy under Harsha
    Both Bana and Hiuen Tsang portray the social life in the times of Harsha.
    The fourfold division of the society - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra - was prevalent.
    The Brahmins were the privileged section of the society and they were given land grants by the kings.Feb 19, 2016.

  • Harshavardhana is considered as one of the most prominent Indian emperors in the 7th century AD.
    He built a huge empire that extended from north & northwestern India till the Narmada in the South.
    His capital was Kannauj.
  • The Chinese Pilgrim Hiuen Tsang, who is also known as the Prince of Travelers and author of Si-Yu-Ki, visited India during Harsha's times.
Feb 19, 2016Both Bana and Hiuen Tsang portray the social life in the times of Harsha. The fourfold division of the society - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and 
Feb 19, 2016Society and Economy under Harsha Both Bana and Hiuen Tsang portray the social life in the times of Harsha. The fourfold division of the 

How was the administration of Harsha organized?

The administration of Harsha was organized on the same lines as the Guptas did

Hiuen Tsang gives a detailed picture about this

The king was just in his administration and punctual in discharging his duties

The administration of Harsha was organized on the same lines as the Guptas did

Hiuen Tsang gives a detailed picture about this

What was Harsha's religious policy?

Harsha followed a tolerant religious policy

He is remembered not only for his patronage and learning but also for the authorship of three plays: Priyadarshika, Ratnavali, and Nagananda

The Guptas, with their seat of power in UP and Bihar, ruled over north and western India for about 160 years until the mid-sixth century

Why was the reign of Harsha important?

The reign of Harsha is historically important because of the visit of the Chinese pilgrim Hsuan Tsang

Nalanda was the most famous centre of Buddhism, which maintained a great Buddhist university meant for Buddhist monks

Nalanda had a huge monastic establishment during the reign of Harshavardhana

Harsha followed a tolerant religious policy
Society and Economy under Harsha Both Bana and Hiuen Tsang portray the social life in the times of Harsha. The fourfold division of the society - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra - was prevalent. The Brahmins were the privileged section of the society and they were given land grants by the kings.
Society during harsha period
Society during harsha period

Pushyabhuti Emperor from 606 to 647

Harshavardhana was a Pushyabhuti emperor who ruled northern India from 606 to 647 CE.
He was the son of Prabhakaravardhana who had defeated the Alchon Hun invaders, and the younger brother of Rajyavardhana, a king of Thanesar, present-day Haryana.


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