Classless society opposite word

  • : free from distinctions of social class. a classless society.
    3: crass, boorish.
  • What is a synonym for classless society?

    “a classless society” synonyms: egalitarian democratic. characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality..

  • What is a truly classless society called?

    Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth..

  • What is classless and stateless society?

    It has been generally recognized that the dynamic, appealing aspect of Marxism lies in the prophecy of the classless and stateless society of the higher phase of communism in which there would be no exploitation of one person by another, no authority of one person over another, no laws, and no law enforcement..

  • What's the opposite of classy?

    [ uhn-klas-ee ] show ipa. adjectiveSlang. not classy; lacking in good taste or sense; crude: Always being late for appointments is unclassy..

  • as in boorish. having or showing crudely insensitive or impolite manners I object not so much to what he did as the classless way he did it. boorish. stupid. uncouth.
Classless society synonymssocialismcollectivismsocial democracypublic ownershipcommunismcommunalismsocialist governmentbolshevism.
Synonyms for Classless society in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Classless society. 1 synonym for classless: egalitarian. What are synonyms for Classless society?
The term classless society refers to a society in which no one is born into a social class. Distinctions of wealth, income, education, culture, or social  ClasslessnessMarxist definitionLibertarian socialism

Is there such a thing as a classless society?

For Marx, there is no such thing as a classless society; rather, it is only when the means of production are controlled by all of society that true equality can be achieved

For Weber, society is divided into classes based on their positions in the hierarchy of authority

What is another word for classless?

What's another word for classless? Synonyms & Antonyms of classlessboorish,churlish,cloddish,clownish,loutish,uncouth

What is the synonym of pillory?


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