Society dame

  • How do you qualify as a colonial dames?

    Membership is by invitation and is managed at the state level.
    It is based on lineage and dedication to the Society's mission.
    Our members are direct descendants of an ancestor who lived in an American colony and who rendered service to the colonies before July 5, 1776..

  • How many colonial dames societies are there?

    The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America is comprised of 44 Corporate Societies in 43 states and the District of Columbia, with more than 15,000 individual members nationwide..

  • What do colonial dames do?

    What is the National Society of Colonial Dames? The NSCDA is an organization of women which actively promotes our national heritage through historic preservation, patriotic service and educational projects.
    Founded in 1891, there are over 15,200 members in 44 state societies..

  • What is the meaning of colonial dames?

    The Colonial Dames of America (CDA) is an American organization comprising women who descend from one or more ancestors who lived in British North America between 1607 and 1775, and who aided the colonies in public office, in military service, or in another acceptable capacity..

  • What is the mission of the colonial dames?

    Our mission is to promote the historic preservation of sites and objects, award scholarships, educate the public about American history, inspire patriotism, and promote fellowship among our members..

  • What is the order of colonial dames?

    The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (NSCDA) is an American organization composed of women who are descended from an ancestor "who came to reside in an American Colony before 1776, and whose services were rendered during the Colonial Period." The organization has 44 corporate societies..

  • Our mission is to promote the historic preservation of sites and objects, award scholarships, educate the public about American history, inspire patriotism, and promote fellowship among our members.
  • The Colonial Warriors, the male equivalent of The Colonial Dames, is a leader among Hereditary Societies.
The organization was founded in 1891, shortly after the founding of a similar society, the Colonial Dames of America (CDA), which was created to have a 
We are an unincorporated association of 44 Corporate Societies with more than 15,000 members. The NSCDA has been a leader in the field of historic preservation, 

What is the FEM Domme Society?

The Fem Domme Society has its own laws and court system

Those who are accepted as members become part of a on professionalism and a commitment to Female Superiority

The will fail to exist respect for the other part

The Society is a real place where members within the ranks of the Society

More information about the rankings is all about

What is the National Society of the Colonial Dames?

The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America promotes appreciation for the people, places and events that led to the formation and development of our country

We are an unincorporated association of 44 Corporate Societies with more than 15,000 members

What was a dame school?

A Dame School was an early form of a private elementary school often found in areas of poverty

They were usually taught by women and were often located in the home of the teacher

Dame schools were quite varied and some of them were little more than day care facilities while others provided their pupils with a good foundation in the basics

Society dame
Society dame

Topics referred to by the same term

German model

Leon Dame is a German model born in Berlin.
He is known for his unique walk, androgynous fashion style, and appearance at Maison Margiela’s 2020 show, which went viral on social media.
The National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is an American

The National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is an American

Lineage and heraldry society

The National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is an American lineage-based heraldry society and non-profit service organization for women who are directly descended from American colonists who lived in the Thirteen Colonies prior to 1701.
The organization, established in 1915, holds one of the largest collections of Coats of Arms in the United States.
The National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century has 45 active state societies in the United States and one active international society in Canada.
The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (

The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (

Association of historic preservation societies

The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (NSCDA) is an American organization composed of women who are descended from an ancestor who came to reside in an American Colony before 1776, and whose services were rendered during the Colonial Period. The organization has 44 corporate societies.
The national headquarters is Dumbarton House in Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
The executive director since September 2021 is Carol Cadou.
The Society of Daughters of Holland Dames is a hereditary organization founded in 1895 whose purpose is to preserve and promote the historical legacy of the seventeenth-century Dutch settlers of New Netherland.
The Society sponsors emerging scholars researching New Netherland history.
Complementing an initiative by the Holland Society of New York, the Society partnered with the New Netherland Institute (NNI) to promote the availability of online transcriptions and translations of the original seventeenth-century New Netherland administrative records housed at the New York State Library and Archives.
The translation of these manuscripts has contributed to an understanding of the impact of the Dutch on the founding of the United States of America and became the historical basis of Russell Shorto's book Island at the Center of the World and many other scholarly works.
An up-to-date bibliography appears on the website of the New Netherland Institute.
In 2018, the Society published Historical Records 1895-2017 and contributed copies to relevant research libraries.
In 2020, the Society updated and copyrighted Researching Your Dutch Ancestors: A Practical Guide.


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