Cybercrime framework

  • What are the pillars of cybercrime?

    Protecting your business does not happen with a silver bullet solution.
    Instead, maintaining a robust and effective security posture requires a strategy built on the three pillars of cybersecurity: people, processes, and technology..

  • What are the three categories of cybercrime?

    General categories of cybercrime include: 1.

    crimes against people (cyber harassment, distribution of child pornography, credit card fraud); 2.crimes against property (hacking, virus transmission, copyright ); and 3.crimes against the government (accessing confidential information, cyber warfare, pirated software)..

  • What are the three elements of cybercrime?

    There are three major categories of cyber crimes:

    Crimes Against People.Crimes Against Property.Crimes Against Government..

  • What is a cybercrime technique?

    Cybercriminals take advantage of security holes and vulnerabilities found in systems and exploit them in order to take a foothold inside the targeted environment.
    The security holes can be a form of using weak authentication methods and passwords, it can also happen for the lack of strict security models and policies..

  • What is cyber crime theory?

    The postulates of the theory state: (1) persons with repressed criminal behavior (in physical space) have a propensity to commit crimes in cyberspace that they otherwise would not commit due to their status and position; (2) identity flexibility, dissociative anonymity, and lack of deterrence factors in cyberspace .

  • The Indian Penal Code also contains several sections related to cybercrime.
    Sections 406, 408, 420, and 468 of the IPC deal with offenses related to online fraud and cheating.
    Section 509 deals with offenses related to online harassment and stalking.Mar 26, 2023
Detection of digital data sources, collecting evidence from the scene, preserving the integrity, searching for data that may constitute a crime, preparing the 

Functions and Categories of Cybersecurity Activities

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework organizes its "core" material into five "functions" which are subdivided into a total of 23 "categories".
For each category, it defines a number of subcategories of cybersecurity outcomes and security controls, with 108 subcategories in all.
For each subcategory, it also provides "Informative Resources" referencing .


Online Informative References

In addition to informative references in the framework's core, NIST also maintains an online database of informative references.Informative References show relationships between Framework Functions, Categories, and Subcategories and specific sections of standards, guidelines, and best practices common among Framework stakeholders.
Informative Refer.



The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is designed for individual businesses and other organizations to assess risks they face.
Version 1.0 was published by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in 2014, originally aimed at operators of critical infrastructure.
In 2017, a draft version of the framework, version 1.1, was circulated for pub.



This article incorporates public domain material from NIST Cybersecurity Framework (PDF).
National Institute of Standards and Technology.


See Also

Cyber security standards



In 2021 NIST released Security Measures for “EO-Critical Software” Use Under Executive Order (EO) 14028 to outline security measures intended to better protect the use of deployed EO-critical software in agencies’ operational environments.


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