Cyber attacks and international law

  • How can cyber attacks affect a country?

    Cyberattacks are a persistent threat globally, for governments, companies, and individuals alike.
    Public acknowledgment of a breach typically carries significant reputational damage in addition to losses from stolen data and intellectual property, damaged systems..

  • Is cyber attack an attack under IHL?

    The term cyber warfare refers to means and methods of warfare that rely on information technology and are used in situations of armed conflict.
    Cyber operations may be either offensive or defensive.
    IHL only applies to cyber operations that occur during – or that themselves trigger – an armed conflict..

  • What international law is applicable to cyber warfare?

    Cyber operations below the threshold of “force”, even if otherwise prohibited under the customary principle of non-intervention, on the other hand, may represent lawful counter-measures in response to internationally wrongful acts not reaching the threshold of “armed attack” by another state..

  • What is cyber attack in cyber law?

    Definitions: Any kind of malicious activity that attempts to collect, disrupt, deny, degrade, or destroy information system resources or the information itself..

  • The term cyber warfare refers to means and methods of warfare that rely on information technology and are used in situations of armed conflict.
    Cyber operations may be either offensive or defensive.
    IHL only applies to cyber operations that occur during – or that themselves trigger – an armed conflict.
  • They are designed primarily for an armed conflict, such as the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
    They apply to cyber operations that have a link to an armed conflict; however, they have a limited applicability outside the scope of an armed conflict,” says Tom\xe1š Min\xe1rik, researcher at NATO CCD COE Law Branch.
In our views, the law is clear on the matter: IHL limits cyber operations during armed conflicts just as it limits the use of any other weapon, means and methods of warfare in an armed conflict, whether new or old. This view has also been taken by the International Court of Justice.
International Law Applies to (and in) Cyberspace With few exceptions (most notably, the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the not-yet-in-force African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection), international law does not have tailor-made rules for regulating cyberspace.

Do cyber operations occur in a legal vacuum?

Fortunately, cyber operations during armed conflicts do not occur in a legal vacuum:

  1. they are governed by international humanitarian law (IHL)

This is not to say that the existing law addresses every new problem, but we should refrain from suggesting that cyber operations occur in a legal vacuum.
They do not, and cyberspace is no Wild West. 2.

Do cyberattacks violate international law?

First, cyberattack attribution announcements could explicitly say that particular cyberattacks violate international law.
To date, however, attributions do not typically call out cyberattacks as international law violations.
At most, they characterize cyberattacks as violations of international norms.


Does international law apply to cyber activity?

Recommendations to governments States need to make an informed decision as to where their own position lies on the application of international law to cyber activity.
Intelligence agencies and foreign services within a state need to speak with one voice.


How do cyberattack attributions interact with international law?

But the relationship of these and other cyberattack attributions to international law is not well understood.
Attributions interact with international law in at least in two ways.
First, cyberattack attribution announcements could explicitly say that particular cyberattacks violate international law.


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