Cytology genetics and cytogenetics

  • What is genetic and cytogenetic?

    genetics is the study of chromosomes and DNA at the molecular level using DNA technology whereas, Cytogenetics is that the study of the amount and structure of chromosomes through microscopic analysis..

  • What is genetic cytology?

    Cytology and Genetics covers aspects of Cell Science i.e.
    Basic and Applied, along with their modern developments including cell cycle and check-point, cell organelles, with special emphasis on chromosomes, their structure, chemical details and behaviour as well as their role in evolution and plant improvement..

  • Cytogenetics and molecular genetics are both fields of genetic study, but each has a different focus.
    Molecular genetics is the study of genes at the DNA level, whereas cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes.
  • Cytogenetics refers to the study of tissue, blood, blood marrow, or culture cells in a laboratory, using banding or manipulating techniques to look for changes in the chromosomes, including broken, missing, rearranged, or extra chromosomes.
    Changes in the chromosomes may be a sign of a genetic disease or condition.
Cytogenetics is a branch of genetics that is the study of the structure and function of the cell, especially the chromosomes. Whereas cytology is that branch of life science that deals with the study of cells in terms of structure and function.

Is cytology a branch of genetics?

Cytogenetics is essentially a branch of genetics, but is also a part of cell biology/cytology (a subdivision of human anatomy), that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to cell behaviour, particularly to their behaviour during mitosis and meiosis.


What cytogenetic techniques are used in chromosome analysis?

Techniques used include:

  1. karyotyping
  2. analysis of G-banded chromosomes
  3. other cytogenetic banding techniques
  4. as well as molecular cytogenetics such as :
  5. fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)

Chromosomes were first observed in plant cells by Carl Nägeli in 1842.

What is Cancer Cytogenetics?

Cancer cytogenetics:

  1. detection of acquired or somatic (versus germline/constitutional) genetic abnormalities for the diagnosis
  2. prognosis
  3. therapy
  4. and/or monitoring of many types of cancer
  5. esp
hematologic Postnatal, childhood growth and development Perinatal/newborn:Birth defects, malformations, dysmorphisms, ambiguous genitalia .

What is cytogenetic testing?

Last Update:

  1. August 8
  2. 2023

Cytogenetic testing is the examination of chromosomes to determine chromosome abnormalities such as:aneuploidy and structural abnormalities.
A normal human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, including:22 pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY).


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